Anarchy Alive!: Anti-Authoritarian Politics from Practice to Theory
Anarchist politics are at the heart of today’s most vibrant and radical social movements. From squatted social centres and community gardens to acts of sabotage and raucous summit blockades, anarchist groups and networks are spreading an ethos of direct action, non-hierarchical organizing and self-liberation that has redefined ... |  |  North Korea: The Struggle Against American Power
George W. Bush's infamous remark about the 'Axis of Evil' brought North Korea dramatically back into the international spotlight. During the late 1990s relations between North Korea and the US and its allies were on the mend. However, the election of George W. Bush resulted in renewed crisis. The nuclear accord between the two... |  |  Copy, Rip, Burn: The Politics of Copyleft and Open Source
From downloading music and movies to accessing free software, digital media is forcing us to rethink the very idea of intellectual property. While big companies complain about lost profits, the individual has never enjoyed such freedom and autonomy. Berry explores this debate in a concise way, offering an ideal introduction for anyone not versed... |