 iMovie '11 & iDVD: The Missing Manual (English and English Edition)
iMovie is video-editing software. It grabs a copy of the raw footage on your camcorder
or camera and lets you edit it easily, quickly, and creatively.
That’s a big deal, because over the years, home movies have developed a bad name.
You know what it’s like watching other people’s camcorder footage.... |  |  Droid X: The Missing Manual
What gives you high-speed Internet access, runs thousands of
apps, lets you take high-resolution photos and HD videos (and
play them on a T V as well), gives you immediate access to information
about all your friends, family, and contacts, handles any email
you can throw at it, is a wizard at Facebook and other social networking... |  |  Facebook: The Missing Manual (Missing Manuals)
Facebook's spreading about as far and fast as the Web itself: 500 million members and counting. But there's a world of fun packed into the site that most folks miss. With this bestselling guide, learn how to unlock Facebook's talents as personal website creator, souped-up address book, and bustling community forum.... |
 Iwork '05: The Missing ManualIntroduced by Apple in January 2005, iWork '05 is an innovative new suite of document and presentation software that's the same caliber as Apple's groundbreaking digital media applications and that's wholly dedicated to what Mac users like you care about most: artistry and creativity. iWork '05 isn't about "office... |  |  Excel 2007: The Missing ManualMicrosoft Excel continues to grow in power, sophistication, and capability, but one thing that has changed very little since the early '90s is its user interface. The once-simple toolbar has been packed with so many features over the years that few users know where to find them all. Microsoft has addressed this problem in Excel 2007 by radically... |  |  iPod: The Missing ManualWith iPod and iTunes, Apple's gotten the world hooked on portable music, pictures, and videos. One thing they haven't delivered, though, is an easy guide for getting the most from your sleek little entertainment center. Enter iPod: The Missing Manual, 5th Edition-a book as breathtaking and satisfying as its subject.
Our latest edition... |
 iPhoto 5: Missing ManualOur Missing Manual is hands-down the bestselling book on iPhoto. And now, updated to cover Apple's newest release, iPhoto 5: The Missing Manual comes fully loaded--and in full color--so you can exercise all the power, flexibility, and creativity of the stunning new iPhoto 5. Some of iPhoto 5's fifty... |  |  Dreamweaver MX 2004: The Missing ManualDreamweaver MX 2004: The Missing Manual enables both first-time and experienced web designers to bring stunning, interactive web sites to life. What sets this new edition apart is the crystal-clear writing, welcome humor, and exclusive features. With over 500 illustrations, a handcrafted index, and the clarity... |  |  Photoshop Elements 3: The Missing ManualThe recent boom in digital camera sales has created a tremendous demand for simple yet powerful photo-editing software. This is because experienced users, as well as amateurs, are quickly outgrowing the program that was originally bundled with their cameras. Fortunately, Photoshop Elements 3, the latest... |
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