 Beyond the Bottom Line: Socially Innovative Business Owners
Quarter examines business owners who use their firms as laboratories for social innovation. After providing an introduction to this phenomenon in an historical perspective and discussing the 19th-century British industrialist Robert Owen, he provides ll case studies of contemporary innovators from six countries-the UK, US, the Netherlands,... |  |  |  |  Haunted by Combat: Understanding PTSD in War Veterans
Across history, the condition has been called soldier's heart, shell shock, or combat fatigue. It is now increasingly common as our service men and women return from Iraq, Afghanistan, and other ongoing combat zones. Since 1990, Veterans' centers here have treated more than 1.6 million affected men and women, including an estimated... |
 The Entrepreneur's Guide to Managing Growth and Handling Crises
Everyone knows the typical entrepreneurial success story: A couple of entrepreneurs have a great idea, work their tails off to establish the business and, before long, they're set for life. Right? Hardly. Turnaround artist Theo van Dijk knows two things: First, young businesses that have survived the start-up years will face periods of... |  |  Models of Proposal Planning & Writing
Grantseeking has become an increasingly competitive process. Beginning grantwriters sometimes assemble a collection of facts and present that information to grantmakers, hoping to receive support. However, sponsors rarely award grant funding just because a grantseeker supports a specific cause or works for a specific organization.... |  |  Acting Lessons for TeachersWe love teaching. Both your authors and you, the readers, love the classroom experience. We accept that the students don’t always learn as much or as readily as we might have hoped, and we accept that we might not have executed a planned lesson as smoothly as we had hoped. But we still love the excitement of the first day, the thrill of... |
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