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Programming Erlang: Software for a Concurrent World (Pragmatic Programmers)
Programming Erlang: Software for a Concurrent World (Pragmatic Programmers)

A multi-user game, web site, cloud application, or networked database can have thousands of users all interacting at the same time. You need a powerful, industrial-strength tool to handle the really hard problems inherent in parallel, concurrent environments. You need Erlang. In this second edition of the bestselling Programming...

Agile Web Development with Rails 4 (Pragmatic Programmers)
Agile Web Development with Rails 4 (Pragmatic Programmers)

Rails just keeps on changing. Both Rails 3 and 4, as well as Ruby 1.9 and 2.0, bring hundreds of improvements, including new APIs and substantial performance enhancements. The fourth edition of this award-winning classic has been reorganized and refocused so it's more useful than ever before for developers new to Ruby and Rails.

Remote Pairing: Collaborative Tools for Distributed Development
Remote Pairing: Collaborative Tools for Distributed Development

You've heard about pair programming's benefits: fewer bugs, improved skills, and faster delivery. But what happens when you want to pair with someone in another city, country, or even hemisphere? With the right tools, you won't have to relocate to refactor. In this book, you'll learn techniques used by the most productive...

Seven Web Frameworks in Seven Weeks: Adventures in Better Web Apps (Pragmatic Programmers)
Seven Web Frameworks in Seven Weeks: Adventures in Better Web Apps (Pragmatic Programmers)

Whether you need a new tool or just inspiration, Seven Web Frameworks in Seven Weeks explores modern options, giving you a taste of each with ideas that will help you create better apps. You'll see frameworks that leverage modern programming languages, employ unique architectures, live client-side instead of server-side, or embrace...

Grails 2: A Quick-Start Guide
Grails 2: A Quick-Start Guide

Grails is a full-stack web development framework that enables you to build complete web applications in a fraction of the time and with less code than other frameworks. Grails uses the principle of convention over configuration and the dynamic Groovy programming language.

This revised and updated new edition shows you how to

Functional Programming in Java: Harnessing the Power Of Java 8 Lambda Expressions
Functional Programming in Java: Harnessing the Power Of Java 8 Lambda Expressions

Intermediate level, for programmers fairly familiar with Java, but new to the functional style of programming and lambda expressions.

Get ready to program in a whole new way. Functional Programming in Java will help you quickly get on top of the new, essential Java 8 language features and the functional style

Programming Sound with Pure Data: Make Your Apps Come Alive with Dynamic Audio
Programming Sound with Pure Data: Make Your Apps Come Alive with Dynamic Audio

For intermediate programmers, beginning sound designers.

Sound gives your native, web, or mobile apps that extra dimension, and it's essential for games. Rather than using canned samples from a sample library, learn how to build sounds from the ground up and produce them for web projects using the Pure Data

Programming Google Glass
Programming Google Glass

Google Glass is the new wearable computer everyone's talking about. It offers a head-mounted optical display and touch interface, and it's programmable. Kick-start your Glassware development by exploring how users can interface with Glass, developing a Glass application fast by using the Mirror API to manipulate Timeline cards and...

HTML5 and CSS3: Level Up with Today's Web Technologies
HTML5 and CSS3: Level Up with Today's Web Technologies

HTML5 and CSS3 are more than just buzzwords--they're the foundation for today's web applications. This book gets you up to speed on the HTML5 elements and CSS3 features you can use right now in your current projects, with backwards compatible solutions that ensure that you don't leave users of older browsers behind. This new...

Node.js the Right Way: Practical, Server-Side JavaScript That Scales
Node.js the Right Way: Practical, Server-Side JavaScript That Scales

Get to the forefront of server-side JavaScript programming by writing compact, robust, fast, networked Node applications that scale. Ready to take JavaScript beyond the browser, explore dynamic languages features and embrace evented programming? Explore the fun, growing repository of Node modules provided by npm. Work with multiple protocols,...

Dart for Hipsters
Dart for Hipsters

Dart 1.1 has arrived and Dart for Hipsters has you covered! Every chapter has been painstakingly reviewed and updated to work with the latest version of this exciting new language. The unabashed goal of Dart is to make programming for the Web simpler, faster, and more powerful. Dart for Hipsters...

RubyMotion: iOS Development with Ruby (The Pragmatic Programmers)
RubyMotion: iOS Development with Ruby (The Pragmatic Programmers)

Make beautiful apps with beautiful code: use the elegant and concise Ruby programming language with RubyMotion to write truly native iOS apps with less code while having more fun. You'll learn the essentials of creating great apps, and by the end of this book, you'll have built a fully functional API-driven app. Whether you're a...

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