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Machine Perception
Machine Perception

The field of machine perception concerns the building of machines that sense and interpret their environments. This book is about visual perception. Potential applications for such systems include tasks such as automation of industrial processes of inspection and assembly, automated medical x-ray diagnosis, vehicle guidance and...

Elements of ML Programming, ML97 Edition (2nd Edition)
Elements of ML Programming, ML97 Edition (2nd Edition)

I became interested in ML programming when I taught CS109, the introduc- tory Computer Science Foundations course at Stanford, starting in 1991. ML was used by several of the instructors of this course, including Stu Reges and Mike Cleron, to introduce concepts such as functional programming and type systems. It was also used for the...

SOA Governance: Governing Shared Services On-Premise and in the Cloud
SOA Governance: Governing Shared Services On-Premise and in the Cloud

The Definitive Guide to Governing Shared Services and SOA Projects

 SOA Governance: Governing Shared Services On-Premise and in the Cloud is the result of a multi-year project to collect proven industry practices for establishing IT governance controls specific to the adoption of SOA...

Project Management for Information Systems (5th Edition)
Project Management for Information Systems (5th Edition)

We are very pleased to present this fifth edition of Project Management for Information Systems. As with its predecessors, our ‘target audience’ fall into four groups:

  • IS project managers and systems developers who find themselves responsible for managing systems projects. Newcomers to this activity will find...
Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools (2nd Edition)
Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools (2nd Edition)

In the time since the 1986 edition of this book, the world of compiler design has changed significantly. Programming languages have evolved to present new compilation problems. Computer architectures offer a variety of resources of which the compiler designer must take advantage. Perhaps most interestingly, the venerable technology of...

Category Theory for Computing Science
Category Theory for Computing Science

This book is a textbook in basic category theory, written specifically to be read by researchers and students in computing science. We expound the constructions we feel are basic to category theory in the context of examples and applications to computing science. Some categorical ideas and constructions are already used heavily in computing...

Human-Computer Interaction (3rd Edition)
Human-Computer Interaction (3rd Edition)

The second edition of Human-Computer Interaction established itself as one of the classic textbooks in the area, with its broad coverage and rigorous approach, this new edition builds on the existing strengths of the book, but giving the text a more student-friendly slant and improving the coverage in certain areas. The revised...

Principles of CAD/CAM/CAE
Principles of CAD/CAM/CAE

With the dramatic changes in computing power and wider availability of software tools for design and production, engineers are now using CAD/CAM/CAE systems for everyday tasks, not just for demonstrations. International competition, de- creased availability of skilled labor, and increased emphasis on quality are also forcing...

An Introduction to Geographical Information Systems (3rd Edition)
An Introduction to Geographical Information Systems (3rd Edition)

Your encounters with GIS to date may be similar to those of a Martian arriving on Earth and being faced with a motor car. Imagine a Martian coming to Earth and stumbling across a motor car showroom. Very soon he (or she) has heard of a ‘car’ and may even have seen a few glossy brochures. Perhaps you are in the same...

Neural Fuzzy Systems: A Neuro-Fuzzy Synergism to Intelligent Systems
Neural Fuzzy Systems: A Neuro-Fuzzy Synergism to Intelligent Systems

Fuzzy systems and neural networks have attracted the growing interest of researchers, scientists, engineers, practitioners, and students in various scientific and engineering areas. Fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic are based on the way the brain deals with inexact information, while neural networks (or artificial neural networks) are modeled...

On Lisp: Advanced Techniques for Common Lisp
On Lisp: Advanced Techniques for Common Lisp

This book is intended for anyone who wants to become a better Lisp programmer. It assumes some familiarity with Lisp, but not necessarily extensive programming experience. The first few chapters contain a fair amount of review. I hope that these sections will be interesting to more experienced Lisp programmers as well, because they...

Introduction to Cryptography with Coding Theory
Introduction to Cryptography with Coding Theory

This book is based on a course in cryptography at the upper level under graduate and beginning graduate level that has been given at the University of Maryland since 1997. When designing the course, we decided on the fol lowing requirements.

• The course should be up-to-date and cover a broad selection of topics from a...

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