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On Lisp: Advanced Techniques for Common Lisp
On Lisp: Advanced Techniques for Common Lisp

This book is intended for anyone who wants to become a better Lisp programmer. It assumes some familiarity with Lisp, but not necessarily extensive programming experience. The first few chapters contain a fair amount of review. I hope that these sections will be interesting to more experienced Lisp programmers as well, because they...

Introduction to Cryptography with Coding Theory
Introduction to Cryptography with Coding Theory

This book is based on a course in cryptography at the upper level under graduate and beginning graduate level that has been given at the University of Maryland since 1997. When designing the course, we decided on the fol lowing requirements.

• The course should be up-to-date and cover a broad selection of topics from a...

Configuring and Tuning Databases on the Solaris Platform
Configuring and Tuning Databases on the Solaris Platform

Modern corporations demand a high level of service from their IT environ- ments. Today's successful datacenter architectures consist of multiple tiers that use well-tuned and high-performance servers at every level.

Sun refers to this as the "end-to-end architecture." Typical tiers include powerful database...

The Software IP Detective's Handbook: Measurement, Comparison, and Infringement Detection
The Software IP Detective's Handbook: Measurement, Comparison, and Infringement Detection

This book is generally about software intellectual property and specifically about the field of software forensics. While you may never testify in a courtroom, attempt to deduce the true owner of a valuable program, or measure the intellectual property (IP) value of software source code, if you are at all involved with software you...

C: How to Program (6th Edition)
C: How to Program (6th Edition)

Welcome to the C programming language—and to C++, too! This book presents leadingedge computing technologies for students, instructors and software development professionals.

At the heart of the book is the Deitel signature “live-code approach.” Concepts are presented in the context of complete working...

First Course in Database Systems, A (3rd Edition)
First Course in Database Systems, A (3rd Edition)

At Stanford, we are on the quarter system, and as a result, our introductory database instruction is divided into two courses. The first, CS145, is designed for students who will use database systems but, not necessarily take a job im plementing a DBMS. It is a prerequisite for CS245, which is the introduction...

Java Performance
Java Performance
Today, Java is used at the heart of the world’s largest and most critical computing systems. However, when I joined the Java team in 1997 the platform was young and just gaining popularity. People loved the simplicity of the language, the portability of bytecodes, and the safety of garbage collection (versus traditional...
Communication Systems Engineering (2nd Edition)
Communication Systems Engineering (2nd Edition)
The objective of this book is to provide an introduction to the basic principles in the analysis and design of communication systems. It is primarily intended for use as a text for a first course in communications, either at a senior level or at a first-year graduate level.

Thorough coverage of basic digital communication...

Numerical Methods Using Matlab (Ellis Horwood Series in Mathematics & Its Applications)
Numerical Methods Using Matlab (Ellis Horwood Series in Mathematics & Its Applications)
Our primary aim is to introduce the render to a wide range of numerical algorithms, explain their fundamental principles and illustrate their application. The algorithms are implemented in the software package МАТ1.ЛН® because it provides a powerful tool to help with these studies.

Software Engineering: Theory and Practice (4th Edition)
Software Engineering: Theory and Practice (4th Edition)
Software engineering has come a long way since 1У6Х. when the term was first used at a NATO conference. And software itself has entered our lives in ways that few had anti cipated, even a decade ago. So a firm grounding in software engineering theory and practice is essential for understanding how to build good software and...
Java How to Program: Late Objects Version (8th Edition)
Java How to Program: Late Objects Version (8th Edition)
Welcome to the Java programming language and Java How to Program, Late Objects Version, Eighth Edition! This book is appropriate for introductory-level programming courses (commonly known as CS1 and CS2). It also provides substantial depth for those who already know how to program and want to learn Java.

The Deitels’...

Computer Networks (5th Edition)
Computer Networks (5th Edition)

This book is now in its fifth edition. Each edition has corresponded to a different phase in the way computer networks were used. When the first edition appeared in 1980, networks were an academic curiosity. When the second edition appeared in 1988, networks were used by universities and large businesses. When the third edition appeared in...

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