C for the Microprocessor Engineer
C for the Microprocessor Engineer is designed to introduce the reader to the use, problems and advantages of using C as the programming medium for embedded microprocessor systems. It can be used as a general stand-alone text in microprocessor technology, since only a limited background is expected in microprocessor hardware and ... | | Core Java Volume I--Fundamentals (10th Edition) (Core Series)
Core Java® has long been recognized as the leading, no-nonsense tutorial and reference for experienced programmers who want to write robust Java code for real-world applications. Now, Core Java®, Volume I–Fundamentals, Tenth Edition, has been extensively updated to reflect the... | | Thinking in C++
Thinking in C++ is ideal for anyone already familiar with C who now wants to learn C++. Eckel has synthesized more than five years of C++ teaching and programming experience into a well-structured course that moves step-by-step through each important C++ concept. He highlights poorly-understood C++ features like virtual functions, which can... |