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Class in Education: Knowledge, pedagogy, and subjectivity
Class in Education: Knowledge, pedagogy, and subjectivity

In contemporary pedagogy, "class" has become one nomadic sign among others: it has no referent but only contingent allusions to similarly traveling signs. Class, that is, no longer explains social conflicts and antagonisms rooted in social divisions of labor, but instead portrays a cultural carnival of lifestyles, consumptions, tastes,...

Selling Spirituality: The Silent Takeover of Religion
Selling Spirituality: The Silent Takeover of Religion

From feng shui to holistic medicine, from aromatherapy candles to yoga weekends, from Christian mystics to New Age gurus, spirituality is big business. There has been an explosion of interest and popular literature on mind, body and spirit and ‘personal development’. We now see the introduction of modes of ‘spirituality’...

Psychology and Religion : An Introduction
Psychology and Religion : An Introduction

This is a rather unusual book on the psychology of religion. As usual I try my very best to set down what is empirically true in the light of what is now extensive evidence on this subject. But I also take a sympathetic view of religion—I have faith in both enterprises, psychology and religion, and believe that in the end they can be...

The Philosophy of Money
The Philosophy of Money

'I have lost interest ... in all that I have written prior to The Philosophy of Money. This one is really my book, the others appear to me colourless and seem as if they could have been written by anyone else.' - Georg Simmel to Heinrich Rickert (1904)


The Rhetorical Nature of XML: Constructing Knowledge in Networked Environments
The Rhetorical Nature of XML: Constructing Knowledge in Networked Environments

The Rhetorical Nature of XML is the first volume to combine rhetoric, XML, and knowledge management in a substantive manner. It serves as a primer on XML and XML-related technologies, illustrating how the naming of XML elements can be understood as a rhetorical act, and detailing the essentials of knowledge management practices that...

Routledge Handbook of Public Diplomacy
Routledge Handbook of Public Diplomacy

The Routledge Handbook of Public Diplomacy provides a comprehensive overview of public diplomacy and national image and perception management, from the efforts to foster pro-West sentiment during the Cold War to the post-9/11 campaign to "win the hearts and minds" of the Muslim world. Editors Nancy Snow and Philip Taylor...

Visible Thought: The New Psychology of Body Language
Visible Thought: The New Psychology of Body Language

Geoffrey Beattie breathes new life into a thousand tired old clichés about body language. This is a fascinating book on two levels. The first is a serious scientific one arguing for new ideas about nonverbal communication. The second level is perhaps a shade less Nature and a dash more Heat or Hello. As Big Brother psychologist,...

Encyclopedia of the World's Endangered Languages (Routledge Language Family Series)
Encyclopedia of the World's Endangered Languages (Routledge Language Family Series)

Knowledge of the world's languages has never been more comprehensive than it is today; yet never have so many been threatened by extinction. Defining as endangered those languages in which older speakers are failing--for whatever reason--to pass on their native speech to younger generations, this encyclopedia is the first to catalog and describe...

Academic Language/Literacy Strategies for Adolescents: A "How-To" Manual for Educators
Academic Language/Literacy Strategies for Adolescents: A "How-To" Manual for Educators

Fast-paced, practical, and innovative, this text for pre-service and in-service teachers features clear, easily accessible lessons and professional development activities to improve the delivery of academic language/literacy education across the content areas in junior/middle school and high school classrooms. Numerous hands-on tools and...

Law, Legislation and Liberty: A New Statement of the Liberal Principles of Justice and Political Economy (Vol 1-3)
Law, Legislation and Liberty: A New Statement of the Liberal Principles of Justice and Political Economy (Vol 1-3)

'A careful and brilliant statement of the conditions of human freedom. It is a major work of political and economic philosophy which sets terms that neither its friends or critics can ignore.' - THES

At last this work can appear in the form it was intended to take when I started on it nearly twenty years ago. Half...

Actor Training
Actor Training

Actor Training expands on Alison Hodge’s highly-acclaimed and best-selling Twentieth Century Actor Training. This exciting second edition radically updates the original book making it even more valuable for any student of the history and practice of actor training. The bibliography is brought right up to date and many...

The Death of Christian Britain: Understanding secularisation, 1800-2000
The Death of Christian Britain: Understanding secularisation, 1800-2000

The Death of Christian Britain examines how the nation’s dominant religious culture has been destroyed. Callum Brown challenges the generally held view that secularization was a long and gradual process dating from the industrial revolution. Instead, he argues that it has been a catastrophic and abrupt cultural revolution...

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