 The Cold War (Questions and Analysis in History)Designed to aid undergraduate and advanced study, this invaluable reference work provides an up-to-date summary of the latest research on the origins, escalation, and end of the Cold War. The major phases of the war are clearly organized and presented in eight chapters--each consisting of a factual overview of events, a detailed analysis of key... |  |  |  |  Violence at Sea: Piracy in the Age of Global TerrorismViolence at Sea is an overview of maritime piracy, examining threats that piracy poses to global security and commerce, as well as measures and policies to mitigate the threat. The essays analyze piracy activities in key shipping lanes (including the African coast, the Arabian Sea, the Bay of Bengal, and the Straits of Malacca-South China... |
 Digital Matters: The Theory and Culture of the MatrixDigital Matters analyzes the complex interaction between the material and immaterial aspects of new digital technologies. It draws upon a mix of theoretical approaches including sociology, media theory and history, cultural studies, and the philosophy of technology to suggest that the matrix of science fiction and Hollywood is but an... |  |  |  |  Encyclopedia of 20th-Century ArchitectureFocusing on architecture from all regions of the world, this three-volume set profiles the twentieth century's vast chronicle of architectural achievements, both within and well beyond the theoretical confines of modernism. Unlike existing works, this encyclopedia examines the complexities of rapidly changing global conditions that have dispersed... |
 An Encyclopaedia of the History of TechnologyThis one-of-a-kind encyclopedia presents the entire field of technology--from rudimentary agricultural tools to communication satellites--in this first-of-its-kind reference source. Following an introduction that discusses basic tools, devices, and mechanisms, the chapters are grouped into five parts that provide detailed information... |  |  Paradoxes from A to ZThis essential guide to paradoxes takes the reader on a lively tour of puzzles that have taxed thinkers from Zeno to Galileo and Lewis Carroll to Bertrand Russell. Michael Clark uncovers an array of conundrums, such as Achilles and the Tortoise, Theseus' Ship, Hempel's Raven, and the Prisoners' Dilemma, taking in subjects as diverse as... |  |  Cyberpower: The Culture and Politics of Cyberspace and the InternetCyberspace now touches all lives. For some it has become as essential as the telephone or the letter. For others it is still a fearful whisper of technological promise. Sometimes we look on bemused, uncertain why all those little addresses that begin ‘http://’ appear in advertisements, and sometimes we are shocked by the possibilities,... |
 The Multimedia Handbook (Blueprint Series)Multimedia has become a very large and diverse field of activity. Its fuzzy boundaries merge into Information Technology. Disk storage, creative aspects like authoring, transmission protocols, standards, politics, and networks called superhighways are examples of activities where technical matters, creative work, applications, politics, and... |  |  The Logic of Scientific Discovery (Routledge Classics)`One of the most important documents of the twentieth century.' - Sir Peter Medawar, New Scientist
`One cannot help feeling that, if it had been translated as soon as it had been originally published, philosophy in this country might have been saved some detours. Professor Popper's thesis has that quality of greatness that, once... |  |  Playing with VideogamesThis book enlarges the discussion of mobility from tools and technologies to employees working in multiple places and between them Matti Vartiainen (Helsinki University of Technology, Finland)
Playing with Videogames documents the richly productive, playful and social cultures of videogaming that support, surround and sustain... |
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