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Sams Teach Yourself XML in 24 Hours (2nd Edition)
Sams Teach Yourself XML in 24 Hours (2nd Edition)
Sams Teach Yourself XML in 24 Hours, Second Edition focuses on teaching the reader the fundamental concepts of XML using practical, hands-on examples. Rather than dwelling on dry theory, the book is filled with clear, real-world examples of how the technology can be used today.

This book includes coverage of topics such as:

* Displaying...

Sams Teach Yourself More Visual Basic .NET in 21 Days
Sams Teach Yourself More Visual Basic .NET in 21 Days
Sams Teach Yourself More Visual Basic.NET in 21 Days provides step-by-step coverage of the most important new features of Visual Basic.NET and .NET that will allow programmers to begin creating rich Web applications and Web Services. Intermediate programmers gain the knowledge and skills to be able to design professional Windows applications and...
Windows XP Unleashed
Windows XP Unleashed
Windows XP Unleashed guides the advanced reader through nearly every Windows XP topic imaginable giving ideas and solutions practical to typical problems encountered by professionals. Examples of topics covered are:

* Installations, use, and maintenance;
* Performance tuning;
* Optimizing memory;
* Detailed registry

Delphi for .NET Developer's Guide
Delphi for .NET Developer's Guide
Master Microsoft's .NET Framework using Delphi.

This book provides expert knowledge of both Delphi and. NET with the same, practicable and real-world solutions approach used in previous Delphi Developer's Guides. Delphi for .NET Developer's Guide is a new edition of the #1 Delphi book by authors Xavier Pacheco and Steve Teixeira. This newest...

Programming in C (Hayden Books C Library)
Programming in C (Hayden Books C Library)
A complete introduction to the C programming language! This bestseller provides comprehensive coverage of the C language.
  • Includes language features and over 90 program examples
  • Gives step-by-step explanations for all functions
  • Explains program looping, decision-making, arrays, functions, and...
IP Routing Primer Plus
IP Routing Primer Plus
IP Routing Primer Plus takes the reader on a methodical journey through the OSI model and shows the relationship of the different IP protocol suite. It gives the readers a "big picture view" design to equip them to use the protocols, or to prepare for a certification exam. Topics covered include a review of the OSI model as well as:
Open Source Web Site Construction Kit
Open Source Web Site Construction Kit
Gives readers a comprehensive survey of the best tools for building and maintaining Web sites. Author takes the reader through the process of thinking through and then building an open source Web site. Softcover.

This book gives readers a comprehensive survey of the best tools for building and maintaining Web sites. In a
Maximum Apache Security (Maximum Security)
Maximum Apache Security (Maximum Security)
The Maximum Security series, which debuted in 1997, has thus far enjoyed relative success. I use the term “relative success,” because security title sales have historically trickled, rather than gushed. For altering this and fostering a new market, Sams editors deserve kudos. Their insights have proven providential: Today, Maximum...
The Zope Book (Landmark)
The Zope Book (Landmark)
The Zope Book is an authoritative guide to Zope, an open-source Web application server. Zope goes beyond server-side scripting languages like PHP by providing a complete object framework, a built-in Web server, a Web-based management interface, and load-balancing through ZEO (Zope Enterprise Objects). That's a considerable punch, and Zope...
Direct3D Programming Kick Start
Direct3D Programming Kick Start

DirectX 9, a brand-new version of Microsoft's multimedia libraries, features the latest 3D graphics technology in the form of Direct3D 9. Direct3D Programming will cover everything a C++ programmer needs to know in order to use Direct3D 9 to create interactive 3D worlds. The book begins with an overview of basic Windows and 3D programming...

Canning Spam: You've Got Mail (That You Don't Want)
Canning Spam: You've Got Mail (That You Don't Want)
We've all seen it — the e-mails that come to us from a sender we don't know and promise a frog that jumps across our screen, a low mortgage rate or a medical miracle pill. These e-mails are otherwise known as spam. Your inbox gets cluttered or worse, your computer is infected with a virus as you scratch your head, wondering how it ever...
Embracing Insanity: Open Source Software Development
Embracing Insanity: Open Source Software Development
In this book, you will learn where the Open Source movement comes from and what motivates its adherents. You will be introduced to the culture that fuels the movement, as well as the personalities and organizations that promote its growth. You will also understand the strengths of the Open Source movement and how it changes the way in which...
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