 T-SQL in One Hour a Day, Sams Teach Yourself
Many excellent books about T-SQL are available, so how is this one different? In talking to the many
people I meet in my travels around the country, I have heard one common complaint. Instead of the host of
wonderful books available to expert database administrators (DBAs), most SQL Server readers yearn for
a book targeted toward the... |  |  Sams Teach Yourself JavaScript in 24 Hours (3rd Edition)
JavaScript is one of the easiest, most straightforward ways to enhance a Web site with interactivity.
Sams Teach Yourself JavaScript in 24 Hours serves as an easy-to-understand tutorial on both scripting basics and JavaScript itself. The book is written in a clear and personable style with an extensive use of practical,... |  |  Sams Teach Yourself Oracle PL/SQL in 10 Minutes
Covers Oracle DBMS versions 10, 11, 12, and XE
Sams Teach Yourself Oracle PL/SQL in 10 Minutes offers straightforward, practical answers when you need fast results. By working through the book’s 26 lessons of 10 minutes or less,... |
 Teach Yourself Cgi Programming With Perl in a Week (Sams Teach Yourself)
From there, you will learn about the basic client/server architecture of the server, and you will
get a detailed description of the HTTP request/response headers. You will learn the client/server
model in straightforward and simple terms, and throughout the book, you will learn about
several methods for keeping track of the state of... |  |  Adobe AIR Programming Unleashed
Covers version 1.5 of Adobe AIR
Written to help you hit the ground running, this book teaches you how to build state-of-the-art rich desktop applications on the breakthrough Adobe AIR platform.
... |  |  Teach Yourself Borland C++ Builder in 14 Days
By now you know that C++Builder is Borland’s hot new rapid application development (RAD) product for writing C++ applications. With C++Builder you can write C++ Windows programs more quickly and more easily than was ever possible before. You can create Win32 console applications or Win32 GUI (graphical user interface) programs. When... |
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