 SAS/FSP 9.2 Procedures GuideProvides complete descriptions of all statements, options, windows, and commands that can be used with SAS/FSP software's FSBROWSE, FSEDIT, FSLETTER, and FSVIEW procedures.
The procedures in SAS/FSP software provide convenient interactive facilities for data
entry, editing, and retrieval. Using SAS/FSP software you can
|  |  SAS 9.1.3 Output Delivery System: User's Guide 2 VOL SETThe Output Delivery System (ODS) provides an almost limitless number of choices for reporting and displaying analytical results now with a greater variety of formatting selections and output destinations.
SAS 9.0, 9.1, and 9.1.3 provide an array of markup languages including HTML4 and XML. The TEMPLATE procedure and the new tagset... |  |  SAS/Warehouse Administrator 2.3 Metadata API Reference
Using this reference, you can learn to write SAS Component Language (SCL) applications that publish HTML pages containing the current metadata for a data warehouse, change pathnames in metadata, add columns to a table, update a column attribute, add tables and other objects defined by metadata, and use the API in a SAS macro to generate a... |
 Elementary Statistics Using SAS
Bridging the gap between statistics texts and SAS documentation, Elementary Statistics Using SAS is written for those who want to perform analyses to solve problems. The first section of the book explains the basics of SAS data sets and shows how to use SAS for descriptive statistics and graphs. The second section discusses fundamental... |  |  SAS(R) Data Integration Studio 3.3: User's Guide
The ETL process consists of all the steps necessary to extract data from different locations, transform raw operational data into consistent, high-quality business data, and load the data into a data warehouse. SAS provides all of this with the addition of an easy-to-use, metadata-driven warehouse management environment. This manual explains... |  |  SAS 9.1 SQL Procedure User's Guide
Base SAS software supports Structured Query Language (SQL), the ANSI standard and widely used language that enables you to create, retrieve, and update database information. This title is your introductory, task-oriented resource for SQL as implemented through the SAS SQL procedure. With this title, you will learn the basics of using PROC... |
 SAS/ACCESS 9.1.3 Supplement for Oracle
This supplement describes the SAS/ACCESS features and options that are available for Oracle. When you use this supplement along with SAS/ACCESS Interface to Relational Databases: Reference, you will have a comprehensive guide to SAS/ACCESS software for your database management system (DBMS). This supplement explains how SAS/ACCESS software... |  |  SAS/ACCESS 9.1 Supplement For OLE DB SAS/ACCESS For Relational Databases
This supplement describes the SAS/ACCESS features and options that are available for OLE DB. When you use this supplement along with SAS/ACCESS Interface to Relational Databases: Reference, you will have a comprehensive guide to SAS/ACCESS software for your database management system (DBMS). This supplement explains how SAS/ACCESS software... |  |  SAS Functions by Example, Second Edition
Fully updated for SAS 9.2, Ron Cody's SAS Functions by Example, Second Edition, is a must-have reference for anyone who programs in Base SAS. With the addition of functions new to SAS 9.2, this comprehensive reference manual now includes more than 200 functions, including new character, date and time, distance, probability, sort, and... |
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