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Methods in Neuroethological Research
Methods in Neuroethological Research

The rapid progress of neuroscience in the last decade can be largely attributed to significant advances in neuroethology, a branch of science that seeks to understand the neural basis of natural animal behavior. Novel approaches including molecular biological techniques, optical recording methods, functional anatomy, and informatics have...

The Innovation Butterfly: Managing Emergent Opportunities and Risks During Distributed Innovation (Understanding Complex Systems)
The Innovation Butterfly: Managing Emergent Opportunities and Risks During Distributed Innovation (Understanding Complex Systems)

Product and service innovations are the result of mutually interacting creative and coordination tasks within a system that has to balance technical decisions, marketplace taste, personnel management, and stakeholder commitment. The constituent elements of such systems are often scattered across multiple firms and across the globe and...

The Socioecological Educator: A 21st Century Renewal of Physical, Health,Environment and Outdoor Education
The Socioecological Educator: A 21st Century Renewal of Physical, Health,Environment and Outdoor Education

This volume offers an alternative vision for education and has been written for those who are passionate about teaching and learning, in schools, universities and in the community, and providing  people with the values, knowledge and skills needed to face complex social and environmental challenges. Working across boundaries the...

Classification and Data Mining (Studies in Classification, Data Analysis, and Knowledge Organization)
Classification and Data Mining (Studies in Classification, Data Analysis, and Knowledge Organization)

This volume contains both methodological papers showing new original methods, and papers on applications illustrating how new domain-specific knowledge can be made available from data by clever use of data analysis methods. The volume is subdivided in three parts: Classification and Data Analysis; Data Mining; and Applications. The selection...

Trimming, Miniaturization and Ideality via Convolution Technique of TRIZ: A Guide to Lean and High-level Inventive Design (SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology)
Trimming, Miniaturization and Ideality via Convolution Technique of TRIZ: A Guide to Lean and High-level Inventive Design (SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology)

The book is a valuable research tool-kit for innovators, amateur & professionals alike. Additionally, College & University faculties on Engineering, who organize yearly workshops internationally will find hundreds of novel themes to choose from. Some teachers might just secretly buy this book to introduce out-of-box brain-teasers in...

Das kleine Buch der Zahlen: Vom Abzählen bis zur Kryptographie (German Edition)
Das kleine Buch der Zahlen: Vom Abzählen bis zur Kryptographie (German Edition)

Seit Jahrhunderten sind Menschen fasziniert von Zahlen. Zahlen sind jedem vertraut und bilden ein wesentliches Fundament für unser Verständnis der Welt. Und doch ist uns das Zahlensystem nicht „einfach so“ gegeben, sondern es hat sich über Jahrtausende entwickelt. Trotz aller Fortschritte kann auch heute noch jedes...

Angst bewältigen: Selbsthilfe bei Panik und Agoraphobie - Den Rückfall vermeiden - Fallbeispiele und konkrete Tipps (German Edition)
Angst bewältigen: Selbsthilfe bei Panik und Agoraphobie - Den Rückfall vermeiden - Fallbeispiele und konkrete Tipps (German Edition)

Angst und Panik bewältigen

Panikartige Ängste sind enorm verbreitet. Die Angstzustände sind verbunden mit meist heftigen körperlichen Reaktionen, wie Schwindel, Herzklopfen oder Schweißausbrüchen. Sie quälen und schränken Betroffene zusehends ein. Angstpatientinnen und -patienten...

Automatic Design of Decision-Tree Induction Algorithms (SpringerBriefs in Computer Science)
Automatic Design of Decision-Tree Induction Algorithms (SpringerBriefs in Computer Science)

Presents a detailed study of the major design components that constitute a top-down decision-tree induction algorithm, including aspects such as split criteria, stopping criteria, pruning and the approaches for dealing with missing values. Whereas the strategy still employed nowadays is to use a 'generic' decision-tree induction...

Applied Ontology Engineering in Cloud Services, Networks and Management Systems
Applied Ontology Engineering in Cloud Services, Networks and Management Systems

Metadata standards in today’s ICT sector are proliferating at unprecedented levels, while automated information management systems collect and process exponentially increasing quantities of data. With interoperability and knowledge exchange identified as a core challenge in the sector, this book examines the role ontology engineering...

Variceal Hemorrhage
Variceal Hemorrhage

Variceal Hemorrhage provides an update of the evidence concerning several aspects of variceal hemorrhage. The book features new information on natural history, diagnosis of esophageal varices, assessment of the risk of bleeding and identification of high risk groups and patients who may benefit or be harmed from different treatments....

Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Powerful Tools for a Modern Knowledge-Based Economy (SpringerBriefs in Business)
Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Powerful Tools for a Modern Knowledge-Based Economy (SpringerBriefs in Business)

In this book, Hanadi Mubarak, Ali Husain and Michael promote the concept of innovation incubators from a business-management perspective. The book provides a comprehensive roadmap for the development of new economies based on technology, as well as value added in technology transfer, innovation development and an entrepreneurial climate.

Der Künstlermanagementvertrag: Erscheinungsbild, Vertragstypologie und rechtliche Untersuchung des Vertragsverhältnisses zwischen Künstler und Manager im Bereich der Musik (German Edition)
Der Künstlermanagementvertrag: Erscheinungsbild, Vertragstypologie und rechtliche Untersuchung des Vertragsverhältnisses zwischen Künstler und Manager im Bereich der Musik (German Edition)

Das Buch befasst sich mit der Vertragspraxis und den Rechtsfragen des Künstlermanagementvertrages im Musikbereich. Schwerpunkt des ersten Teils ist eine umfassende Vertragsanalyse der typischen Regelungen und Pflichtenprogramme zwischen Künstlern und Managern anhand von Praxis- und Musterverträgen. Im zweiten Teil wird die...

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