This up-to-date, self-contained review of the theory of gravitational interactions presents a traditional introduction, then discuss analogies and differences between a geometric theory of gravity and the gauge theories of the other fundamental interactions.
Diabetes has long been recognized as a disease of high blood sugar, and there has been a continuous search of the exact reason for its development and effective treatment. In 2005, the World Health Organization had estimated that more than 180 million people worldwide suffer from diabetes mellitus and indicated that this figure is likely to...
Eine wirtschaftliche und einfache Herstellung komplexer Moleküle für maßgeschneiderte Werkstoffe, Arzneimittel oder auch Treibstoffe, dazu neue Methoden für Forschungszweige wie Biomedizin, Materialwissenschaft oder Katalyseforschung: Die Liste potenzieller Anwendungen der Synthetischen Biologie, einer Forschungsrichtung...
This volume provides approaches and solutions to challenges occurring at the interface of research fields such as, e.g., data analysis, data mining and knowledge discovery, computer science, operations research, and statistics. In addition to theory-oriented contributions various application areas are included. Moreover, traditional...
While previously available methodologies for software – like those published in the early days of object technology – claimed to be appropriate for every conceivable project, situational method engineering (SME) acknowledges that most projects typically have individual characteristics and situations. Thus, finding the most...
Business Process Management (BPM) has become one of the most widely used approaches for the design of modern organizational and information systems. The conscious treatment of business processes as significant corporate assets has facilitated substantial improvements in organizational performance but is also used to ensure the conformance of...
This book discusses the trade-offs involved in designing direct RF digitization receivers for the radio frequency and digital signal processing domains. A system-level framework is developed, quantifying the relevant impairments of the signal processing chain, through a comprehensive system-level analysis. Special focus is given...
Multitouch-Interfaces und instrumentengestützte Eingabetechniken bestimmen inzwischen den Umgang mit digitalen Geräten. Interaktion zwischen Mensch und Technik wird in dem Buch als ein Wechselspiel von Gesten und Mimik betrachtet – auch seitens des Systems. Der Autor hat Sequenz- und Interaktionsdiagramme entwickelt, anhand...
The book covers the totality of bilirubin (and heme from which bilirubin is derived biogenetically) the structural relationship of bilirubin to its solution properties and metabolism and to phototherapy for the jaundiced newborn - a common medical procedure used nowadays for lowering serum bilirubin, which is neurotoxic.
The geography of networks and R&D collaborations, in particular the spatial dimension of interactions between organisations performing joint R&D, have attracted a burst of attention in the last decade, both in the scientific study of the networks and in the policy sector. The volume is intended to bring together a selection of...
As a new interdisciplinary research area, “image-based geometric modeling and mesh generation” integrates image processing, geometric modeling and mesh generation with finite element method (FEM) to solve problems in computational biomedicine, materials sciences and engineering. It is well known that FEM is currently...
In dem Buch betrachten Experten den Einsatz virtueller Technologien über den gesamten Lebenszyklus eines Produkts hinweg – von der Entstehung bis zum End of Produktion (EOP). Dargestellt werden Konzepte zur Informationsbereitstellung im Product Life Cycle Management, Simulation und Rendering, Lokalisation und Tracking sowie weitere...