Fungi and Food SpoilageThis is the third edition of the definitive work on fungi in foods covering identification, isolation, enumeration, taxonomy, physiology and mycotoxin formation. High quality halftones provide a book of great value to food microbiologists, mycologists, food scientists and technologists and all those involved in food quality and safety. ... |  |  How Does One Cut a Triangle?How Does One Cut a Triangle? is a work of art, and rarely, perhaps never, does one find the talents of an artist better suited to his intention than we find in Alexander Soifer and this book.
—Peter D. Johnson, Jr.
This delightful book considers and solves many problems in dividing... |  |  Elements of Distributed Algorithms: Modeling and Analysis with Petri NetsDistributed Computing is rapidly becoming the principal computing paradigm in diverse areas of computing, communication, and control. Processor clusters, local and wide area networks, and the information highway evolved a new kind of problems which can be solved with distributed algorithms. In this textbook a variety of distributed algorithms... |