 Circumcision and Human Rights"There is hardly a reason to circumcise a little boy for medical reasons because those medical reasons don t exist," said Dr. Michael Wilks, Head of Ethics at the British Medical Association, who admitted that doctors have circumcised boys for "no good reason."
In the United States, parts of Africa, the Middle East,... |  |  Encyclopedia of Database SystemsThe multi-volume Encyclopedia of Database Systems provides easy access to relevant information on all aspects of very large databases, data management, and database systems. Over 1,400 illustrated essays and definitional entries, organized alphabetically, present basic terminology, concepts, methods and data processing... |  |  3D Computer Vision: Efficient Methods and Applications (X.media.publishing)This book provides an introduction to the foundations of three-dimensional computer vision and describes recent contributions to the field. Geometric methods include linear and bundle adjustment based approaches to scene reconstruction and camera calibration, stereo vision, point cloud segmentation, and pose estimation of rigid, articulated, and... |
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