Algorithms and Data Structures in Vlsi Design: Obdd - Foundations And Applications
One of the main problems in chip design is the enormous number of possible combinations of individual chip elements within a system, and the problem of their compatibility. The recent application of data structures, efficient algorithms, and ordered binary decision diagrams (OBDDs) has proven vital in designing the computer chips of tomorrow.... | | Super-Recursive Algorithms (Monographs in Computer Science)
This book introduces the new realm of superrecursive algorithms and the development
of mathematical models for them. Although many still believe that only recursive
algorithms exist and that only some of them are realizable, there are many
situations in which people actually work with superrecursive algorithms. ... | | Approximation Algorithms
Covering the basic techniques used in the latest research work, the author consolidates progress made so far, including some very recent and promising results, and conveys the beauty and excitement of work in the field. He gives clear, lucid explanations of key results and ideas, with intuitive proofs, and provides critical examples and numerous... |
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