Surgery of the Esophagus: Textbook and Atlas of Surgical PracticeThis atlas provides a thorough overview on current surgical strategies in the treatment of esophageal diseases. The first part of this atlas is focused on basic diagnostic tools, indications and preoperative work up. The second part exhibits profound instructions for current surgical procedures illustrated with precise drawings in detail and... |  |  Aortic Root Surgery: The Biological SolutionThe surgical treatment of the aortic valve and root disease, organic and ischemic mitral regurgitation, and endocarditis has made great strides. Still, there is the well-known dilemma: on the one hand the need for anticoagulation in patients with mechanical valves that otherwise guarantee long-term functioning and, on the other, the... |  |  The Human Central Nervous System: A Synopsis and Atlas
The human central nervous system or neuraxis
consists of the brain (encephalon) and the spinal
cord (medulla spinalis). The brain is encased by
the skull; the spinal cord lies within the spinal
canal, extending from the foramen magnum to
the level of the second lumbar vertebra. Globally,
the brain can be subdivided into... |