The Photographic Eye: Learning to See with a CameraP hotography is both an art and a science. As an art, it expresses a personal vision. As a science, it relies on technology. This double nature is not unique to photography. Every kind of creative expression —such as music, dance or painting —has both a purely artistic side and a more scientific or techological side as well. For... |  |  Making & Enjoying Telescopes: 6 Complete Projects & A Stargazer's Guide"...follows a logical path through topics of safety, construction, sky coordinates, and, finally, design....Plans for each telescope are illustrated with both line drawings and photographs...procedures are laid out in an easy-to-follow technique...includes a rich gallery of illustrated telescopes that amateurs have built...a welcome addition... |  |  Art of Drawing the Human Body (Practical Art)
Budding artists can master the toughest and most treasured technique of all: portraying the beauty, grace, and personality of the human body. This wonderful tutorial, and a variety of inspiring sketches on every page, provide the solid technical foundation needed to depict every type of figure—young or old, male or female, standing, ... |