 .NET Web Services Solutions.NET Web Services Solutions offers just what its title states: practical solutions to the real challenges you face as you use .NET to create applications that communicate with web services and—more to the point—to build and deploy web services of your own. By the time you’re done, you’ll understand how the... |  |  Mastering Delphi 7Whether you're new to Delphi or just making the move from an earlier version, Mastering Delphi 7 is the one resource you can't do without. Practical, tutorial-based coverage helps you master essential techniques in database, client-server, and Internet programming. And the insights of renowned authority Marco Cantú give you... |  |  Mastering Java 2, J2SE 1.4Whether you're preparing for Java Certification or want to brush up on Java Language basics, this guide provides it all.
The goal of this book is simple: to make you productive with Java as quickly as possible. You'll find a great deal of information here; use the table of contents in the front and/or the ... |
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