Now You See It, Now You Don't!: Lessons in Sleight of HandA new and simple learn-by-picture method that makes it easy for anyone aged twelve and up to perform all the classic sleights just as they are done by the world's greatest professional magicians. Long-time magician Bill Tarr has teamed up with Barry Ross, an illustrator famous for his instructional sports diagrams, for easy-to-follow,... |  |  Innumeracy: Mathematical Illiteracy and Its Consequences (Vintage)
Dozens of examples in innumeracy show us how it affects not only personal economics and travel plans, but explains mischosen mates, inappropriate drug-testing, and the allure of psuedo-science.
Innumeracy, an inability to deal comfortably with the fundamental notions of number and
chance, plagues far too many otherwise ... |  |  Hallucinations
To many people, hallucinations imply madness, but in fact they are a common part of the human experience. These sensory distortions range from the shimmering zigzags of a visual migraine to powerful visions brought on by fever, injuries, drugs, sensory deprivation, exhaustion, or even grief. Hallucinations doubtless lie behind many... |