 Statistics (Fourth International Student Edition)
Renowned for its clear prose and no-nonsense emphasis on core concepts, Statistics covers fundamentals using real examples to illustrate the techniques.
The Fourth Edition has been carefully revised and updated to reflect current data. ... |  |  21st Century Astronomy (Full Fourth Edition)
Teaches students to think like scientists.
Authors Laura Kay and Stacy Palen have developed pedagogy that helps students understand the process of science, and how physical principles are used to discover the origins of the universe. The authors emphasize how we know what we know in the figures, text, and... |  |  |
 Strategy: An Introduction to Game Theory (Third Edition)
Game theory has become an enormously important field of study. It is now a vital methodology for researchers and teachers in many disciplines, including economics, political science, biology, and law. This book provides a thorough introduction to the subject and its applications, at the intermediate level of instruction. It is designed for... |  |  State of the World 2009: Into a Warming World (State of the World)
A comprehensive guide to global warming and the steps we must take to combat it.
The evidence continues to mount: melting ice caps, rising temperatures, increasingly frequent natural disasters. As the devastating effects of global warming come into sharper focus, societies must work to both mitigate greenhouse gas... |  |  World on the Edge: How to Prevent Environmental and Economic Collapse
When I meet old friends and they ask, "How are you?" I often reply, "I'm fine; it's the world I am worried about." "Aren't we all" is the common response. Most people have a rather vague sense of concern about the future, but some worry about specific threats such as climate change or population... |
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