 The Confident Student (Available Titles Coursemate)
Thank you for choosing Th e Confi dent Student, Seventh Edition. Th is book is special for several reasons. It has grown with the times to refl ect pedagogical changes, technological advancements, and students’ needs. Yet Th e Confi dent Student’s core values of individual responsibility and confi dence through accomplishment... |  |  On Course
On Course is intended for college students of any age who want to create success
both in college and in life. Whether you are taking a student success or first-year
seminar course, a composition course, or an “inward-looking” course in psychology,
self-exploration, or personal growth, On Course is your instruction... |  |  Confident Public Speaking (with CD-ROM and InfoTrac)
I wrote Confident Public Speaking because I believe anyone can become an effective
public speaker, and that all of us can improve our public speaking skills. Effective
public speaking is a process that improves as we cultivate it. Confident
public speakers are not perfect at this craft but are effective at it, and effective... |
 Grammar to Go: How It Works and How To Use It
Perhaps the most gratifying part of creating a third edition of Grammar to Go is
knowing that so many instructors, both in the United States and abroad, have been
using our pedagogy with great success. Most of the revisions made between the
first edition and the second involved the reorganization of the text, especially the... |  |  A Concise Introduction to Logic (Book & CD-ROM)
Unsurpassed for its clarity, conciseness, and comprehensiveness, Hurley's market-leading A CONCISE INTRODUCTION TO LOGIC has established itself as the standard for introductory logic classes. Hailed in the first eight editions for an unwavering commitment to lucid, focused, reader-friendly presentations of logic's basic topics, the... |  |  Technical Communication: A reader-centered approach, 8th Edition
Thousands of students have successfully improved their writing and design skills using Anderson's TECHNICAL COMMUNICATION: A READER-CENTERED APPROACH. Known for its treatment of the rhetorical situation and coverage of usefulness and persuasion, this edition renews the focus on the reader-centered approach and includes new learning... |
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