The same unique voice that made Paul Krugman a widely read economist is evident on every page of Economics. The product of the partnership of coauthors Krugman and Robin Wells, the book returns in a new edition.
The new edition is informed and informative, solidly grounded in economic fundamentals yet focused ... |  |  Introducing Psychology
So why are you reading ihe preface? The book doesn't really gel going for another 10 pages, so why are you here instead of there? Are you the kind of person who just can't stand the idea of missing something? Are you trying to justify the cost of the book by consuming ever)' word? Did you just open to this page out of habit? Are... |  |  Microeconomics
Where microeconomics gets down to work
Like no other text for the intermediate microeconomics course, Goolsbee, Levitt, and Syverson’s Microeconomics bridges the gap between the theory and practice, providing an empirical dimension that makes the course immediately relevant and useful to students. With carefully crafted... |