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Professional Android Programming with Mono for Android and .NET/C#
Professional Android Programming with Mono for Android and .NET/C#
SINCE ITS INTRODUCTION IN THE FALL of 2008, Android has grown and matured to the point where it is currently the number one smartphone platform in terms of shipments worldwide. Along with that growth is an interest in writing applications that run natively on the device and that take advantage of the device’s features, such...
Beginning R: The Statistical Programming Language
Beginning R: The Statistical Programming Language

This book is about data analysis and the programming language called R. This is rapidly becoming the de facto standard among professionals, and is used in every conceivable discipline from science and medicine to business and engineering.

R is more than just a computer program; it is a statistical programming environment and...

Game and Graphics Programming for iOS and Android with OpenGL ES 2.0 (Wrox Programmer to Programmer)
Game and Graphics Programming for iOS and Android with OpenGL ES 2.0 (Wrox Programmer to Programmer)

WELCOME TO Game and Graphics Programming for iOS and Android with OpenGL ES 2.0. This book is not your usual “OpenGL Hello Triangle” book — it’s not meant to explain the “why” (Google is there for that), but rather, to show you the “how.” This book will strictly teach you...

Professional SharePoint 2010 Cloud-Based Solutions (Wrox Programmer to Programmer)
Professional SharePoint 2010 Cloud-Based Solutions (Wrox Programmer to Programmer)

THE “CLOUD” IS ONE OF THE MOST tossed-around words these days in any IT conversation. But what does it mean? And what are the implications of the cloud for SharePoint? In fact, there are many implications for SharePoint with the cloud, ranging from extending existing solutions to use code or services that are deployed to the...

Beginning iOS Game Development (Wrox Programmer to Programmer)
Beginning iOS Game Development (Wrox Programmer to Programmer)
IOS DEVICES PROVIDE DEVELOPERS with a unique and exciting platform for making games. The iPhone gives gamers a tiny computer in their pocket that they have with them all the time. The iPad provides a similar gameplay experience but with a larger screen, more processing power, and more memory. The devices allow for unique control...
Beginning iOS 5 Application Development
Beginning iOS 5 Application Development
APPLE FIRST OFFICIALLY ANNOUNCED the iOS 5 at the Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) in June 2011. After 7 betas and with much anticipation, Apple finally rolled out iOS 5 with the vastly improved iPhone 4S. With 200 new features added to the iOS, Apple is set to reign as the king of the mobile platform for the foreseeable...
Professional Cross-Platform Mobile Development in C#
Professional Cross-Platform Mobile Development in C#

PEOPLE TAKE UP MOBILE DEVELOPMENT these days for a lot of reasons. For some it is all about learning something new, but for many it comes out of necessity of a job or career. Perhaps you see mobile development as the next big thing, just like client-server development was in the 1990s, or web development became in the 2000s. Maybe...

Professional JavaScript for Web Developers
Professional JavaScript for Web Developers
SOME CLAIM THAT JAVASCRIPT is now the most popular programming language in the world, running any number of complex web applications that the world relies on to do business, make purchases, manage processes, and more.

JavaScript is very loosely based on Java, an object-oriented programming language popularized for
Beginning PhoneGap (Wrox Programmer to Programmer)
Beginning PhoneGap (Wrox Programmer to Programmer)

THE WORLD OF MOBILE APP DEVELOPMENT is changing rapidly, and frameworks like PhoneGap represent an important step in broadening that world to a very large audience of experienced web developers. With PhoneGap, you can now transfer some (if not most) of your knowledge and skills from the web world to the mobile app world.


PHP and MySQL 24-Hour Trainer
PHP and MySQL 24-Hour Trainer

PHP IS A POPULAR PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE that powers many websites. It originally started out as a way to make dynamic websites by generating HTML. Today it stands on its own as a generalpurpose programming language and is available on most web hosting sites. Because of its roots, it is very easy to insert bits and pieces of PHP inside of...

SharePoint 2010 Business Intelligence 24-Hour Trainer (Wrox Programmer to Programmer)
SharePoint 2010 Business Intelligence 24-Hour Trainer (Wrox Programmer to Programmer)

IF YOU’VE PICKED UP THIS BOOK, SharePoint 2010 Business Intelligence 24-Hour Trainer, you’ve decided to jump into one of the most dynamic areas of Business Intelligence: the exciting visualizations,

collaboration, and data service capabilities built into SharePoint 2010 through its new service application
Beginning ASP.NET Web Pages with WebMatrix
Beginning ASP.NET Web Pages with WebMatrix

Back in 1997, when I began my career as a professional web developer, I started working with Classic ASP. After a brief training period in a few different programming languages such as C++ and Java, I was thrown in at the deep end and assigned to a project to build an Intranet application for a large consultancy firm in the Netherlands...

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