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Starting Electronics Construction : Techniques, Equipment and Projects
Starting Electronics Construction : Techniques, Equipment and Projects
From circuit design to finished product - a guide to selecting tools, techniques and components with step-by-step explanations of the essential practical techniques

As a step-by-step guide from circuit design to finished product, this practical electronics book actually explains how to select the right tools and components
Mobile Business Strategies: Understanding the Technologies and Opportunities (Wireless Press)
Mobile Business Strategies: Understanding the Technologies and Opportunities (Wireless Press)
Mobile phones are no longer just a means of calling another person. In several countries, mobile devices are used to pay for merchandise, receive time sensitive information and send e-mail messages. Additionally, corporations use mobile phones to access critical business information and send tasks to field workers, regardless of time or...
Computer Systems Architecture: a Networking Approach (2nd Edition)
Computer Systems Architecture: a Networking Approach (2nd Edition)

The new edition of Computer Systems Architecture has been brought up to date with extended descriptions of ARM and Itanium processors and an extended

introduction to the field of data communications.  Its established approach emphasizes that the vast majority of modern computers are not stand-alone devices, but cooperate...

So You Wanna Be an Embedded Engineer: The Guide to Embedded Engineering, From Consultancy to the Corporate Ladder
So You Wanna Be an Embedded Engineer: The Guide to Embedded Engineering, From Consultancy to the Corporate Ladder
Embark on a career in embedded engineering; this practical guide will show you how to succeed!

In this new, highly practical guide, expert embedded designer and manager Lewin Edwards answers the question, "How do I become an embedded engineer?" Embedded professionals agree that there is a treacherous gap between
Beginning Ubuntu Linux, Third Edition (Beginning from Novice to Professional)
Beginning Ubuntu Linux, Third Edition (Beginning from Novice to Professional)
Beginning Ubuntu Linux, the award–winning and best–selling Ubuntu book for beginners, is now in its third edition, presenting readers with an up–to–the–minute introduction to the world of Linux and the open source community. A detailed overview of Ubuntu’s installation and configuration process...
Wikipedia: The Missing Manual
Wikipedia: The Missing Manual
What made you write the book? In November 2006 I started working on an index for editors of Wikipedia – a single page that had links to all relevant policies, guidelines, how-to pages, reference pages, tools, and other things that an editor might conceivably want to read. The more I worked on the index, the...
Mac OS X Panther Unleashed (3rd Edition)
Mac OS X Panther Unleashed (3rd Edition)
Underneath the colorful interface of Mac OS X is a powerful, complicated operating system based on BSD Unix. And, Mac users of all kinds continue to need help both in figuring out how to run OS X and in understanding how OS X works underneath the covers as well as how to get the most out it. In late summer 2003 Apple is expected to release a new...
AutoCAD 2009 and AutoCAD LT 2009: No Experience Required
AutoCAD 2009 and AutoCAD LT 2009: No Experience Required
This book was born of the need for a simple, yet engaging tutorial that would help beginners step into the world of AutoCAD or AutoCAD LT without feeling intimidated. That tutorial has evolved over the years into a full introduction to the ways in which architects and civil and structural engineers use AutoCAD to increase their efficiency and...
Ordinary and Partial Differential Equation Routines in C, C++, Fortran, Java, Maple, and MATLAB
Ordinary and Partial Differential Equation Routines in C, C++, Fortran, Java, Maple, and MATLAB
Initial value ordinary differential equations (ODEs) and partial differential equations (PDEs) are among the most widely used forms of mathematics in science and engineering. However, insights from ODE/PDE-based models are realized only when solutions to the equations are produced with acceptable accuracy and with reasonable effort.

Mastering Mac OS X, Third Edition
Mastering Mac OS X, Third Edition
Covers OS X v.10.3, Panther!

On the Prowl for In-Depth, Step-by-Step, Mac OS X Coverage? Your Search Is Over

Whether you're new to the Mac, upgrading from a previous Mac OS version, or converting from Windows or Unix, Mastering Mac OS X, Third Edition is your one-stop resource for...

Assembly Language for Arcade Games and Other Fast Spectrum Programmes
Assembly Language for Arcade Games and Other Fast Spectrum Programmes
This is not a book for beginners. You are expected to have a working knowledge of Z80 Assembly Language, and of course a knowledge of BASIC. But for the first time, Stuart Nicholls describes the tehniques of writing arcade games and other fast-moving programs for the Spectrum. Controlled high-resolutions movement on the screen, separate movement of...
Paint Shop Pro Photo X2 for Photographers
Paint Shop Pro Photo X2 for Photographers
No digital photographer should be without this Corel recommended guide!

Great pictures don't just happen, you make them.

Unleash your creative potential with this essential guide to the myriad of features in Paint Shop Pro Photo X2. Written specifically for photographers by a working
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