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Euclidean & Non-Euclidean Geometries: Development and History
Euclidean & Non-Euclidean Geometries: Development and History

This is the definitive presentation of the history, development and philosophical significance of non-Euclidean geometry as well as of the rigorous foundations for it and for elementary Euclidean geometry, essentially according to Hilbert. Appropriate for liberal arts students, prospective high school teachers, math. majors, and even bright high...

Sacred Geometry: Philosophy and Practice (Art and Imagination)
Sacred Geometry: Philosophy and Practice (Art and Imagination)
About the Art & Imagination Series: Explore a range of interests, philosophies, religions, and cultures—from Kabbalah to Freemasonry, Buddhism to Hinduism, myth to magic. The distinguished authors bring a wealth of knowledge, visionary thinking, and accessible writing to each intriguing subject in these lavishly...
Functions of a Complex Variable: Theory and Technique (Classics in Applied Mathematics)
Functions of a Complex Variable: Theory and Technique (Classics in Applied Mathematics)
In addition to being a rewarding branch of mathematics in its own right, the theory of functions of a complex variable underlies a large number of enormously powerful techniques which find their application not only in other branches of mathematics but also in the sciences and in engineering. Chapters 1, 2, and 5 of this book provide concisely but...
Analytical Biochemistry (3rd Edition)
Analytical Biochemistry (3rd Edition)
Now an established handbook of principles and techniques, this text develops an understanding of the relevance of four fundamental properties of the analyte: shape, polarity, charge and size, to the three key types of analysis: separation, identification and quantification. The third edition of Analytical Biochemistry has now been fully...
De-interlacing: A Key Technology for Scan Rate Conversion (Advances in Image Communication)
De-interlacing: A Key Technology for Scan Rate Conversion (Advances in Image Communication)
'To interlace or not to interlace' is a hot issue currently. Traditionally interlace has been part of the video standard as it reduces the transmission and display demands, while hardly affecting the perceived quality of the pictures.

With the current explosion of new video formats due to emerging technologies as multimedia PC's,...

Usability Testing for Library Websites: A Hands-On Guide
Usability Testing for Library Websites: A Hands-On Guide
People acquire information from many sources other than libraries. For example, Barnes & Noble, Borders, and Amazon .com sell and distribute books, videos, and CDs and compete for the time and attention of our library’s customers. Barnes & Noble also provides children’s programming and Internet-related classes for families....
Prince 2, Second Edition: A Practical Handbook (Computer Weekly Professional)
Prince 2, Second Edition: A Practical Handbook (Computer Weekly Professional)
PRINCE 2 is a flexible project management method, suitable for use on any type of project. It has been derived from professional Project Managers' experiences and refined over years of use in a wide variety of contexts.

Assessed as conformant with the concepts of PRINCE Version 2 by the PRINCE User Group Ltd

Fully updated
Reliable Methods for Computer Simulation, Volume 33: Error Control and Posteriori Estimates (Studies in Mathematics and its Applications)
Reliable Methods for Computer Simulation, Volume 33: Error Control and Posteriori Estimates (Studies in Mathematics and its Applications)
Presentation of the main approaches developed for a posteriori error estimation in various problems.

Recent decades have seen a very rapid success in developing numerical methods based on explicit control over approximation errors. It may be said that nowadays a new direction is forming in numerical analysis, the main goal of
Numerical Computing with Simulink, Volume I: Creating Simulations
Numerical Computing with Simulink, Volume I: Creating Simulations
Simulation is the preferred approach for engineers and scientists who design complex systems because it allows them to test a system design's performance standards. This book explores simulation, starting with Galileo and ending with the lunar landing. It provides an introduction to computer-aided system design with Simulink®, a robust,...
The BASIC handbook, an encyclopedia of the BASIC computer language
The BASIC handbook, an encyclopedia of the BASIC computer language
With the roots of the BASIC language now firmly established throughout the world, it is necessary to make its many dialects understandable so programs can be transported between different computer. After you've found just the program you've been looking for, you know how frustrating it is only to discover that it won't RUN on your computer. This...
Biology of the Arterial Wall (Basic Science for the Cardiologist)
Biology of the Arterial Wall (Basic Science for the Cardiologist)
`... a timely, complete and useful review of the arterial wall in states of health and disease. This is the first book that I am aware of that covers recent advances in such a thorough manner under a single cover. Although the editors have aimed it at clinicians and researchers, it will be more valuable to the...
SAS Programming by Example
SAS Programming by Example
Develop and fine-tune your programming skills the easy way - by example! For beginning and intermediate users, SAS Programming by Example guides you, with a series of annotated examples, through basic tasks to more complex ones. Problems and solutions are provided to make the most of the programming tools available in base SAS software....
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