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A Matrix Handbook for Statisticians (Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics)
A Matrix Handbook for Statisticians (Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics)
A comprehensive, must-have handbook of matrix methods with a unique emphasis on statistical applications

This timely book, A Matrix Handbook for Statisticians, provides a comprehensive, encyclopedic treatment of matrices as they relate to both statistical concepts and methodologies. Written by an experienced authority on matrices and...

Information Warfare and Organizational Decision-Making
Information Warfare and Organizational Decision-Making
Organizations are among the most valuable and yet most fragile structures of our civilization. We rely on organizations to obtain information, to comprehend and process information, to accumulate and internalize information, to make decisions based in part on that information, and to execute those decisions. Organizations are ubiquitous because...
Knowledge Management in the Public Sector: A Blueprint for Innovation in Government
Knowledge Management in the Public Sector: A Blueprint for Innovation in Government
The term public sector refers to the functioning agencies and units at the federal, state, county, municipal, and local levels of government. The sector includes all agencies, government corporations, the military, and departments, agencies, and miscellaneous units that perform some form of public service. They range in size from the largest...
The Principles of Semiconductor Laser Diodes and Amplifiers: Analysis and Transmission Line Laser Modeling
The Principles of Semiconductor Laser Diodes and Amplifiers: Analysis and Transmission Line Laser Modeling

Optical communications technology is growing increasingly in importance, with a rapid pace of development. Innovative optical devices have emerged from the integration of semiconductor laser diodes, amplifiers and filters with optical waveguide technology. This well-researched volume traces the evolution of semiconductor laser amplifiers...

Technology Due Diligence: Best Practices for Chief Information Officers, Venture Capitalists, and Technology Vendors
Technology Due Diligence: Best Practices for Chief Information Officers, Venture Capitalists, and Technology Vendors
Due diligence conducted around technology decisions is complex. Done correctly, it has the power to enable outstanding positive outcomes; done poorly, it can wreak havoc on organizations, corporate cultures, and markets.

Technology Due Diligence: Best Practices for Chief Information Officers, Venture Capitalists, and Technology Vendors...

CISA Review Manual 2008
CISA Review Manual 2008
The CISA Review Manual 2008 has been completely revised and updated with new content to reflect changing industry principles and practices, and is organized according to the current CISA job practice areas. The manual features detailed descriptions of the tasks performed by IS auditors and the knowledge required to plan, manage and perform IS...
New Trends in Software Process Modelling (Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering)
New Trends in Software Process Modelling (Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering)
Over the years, a variety of software process models have been designed to structure, describe and prescribe the software systems construction process. More recently, software process modelling is increasingly dealing with new challenges raised by the tests that the software industry has to face. This book addresses these new trends in software...
Handbook of Mathematical Formulas and Integrals, Fourth Edition
Handbook of Mathematical Formulas and Integrals, Fourth Edition
This book contains a collection of general mathematical results, formulas, and integrals that occur throughout applications of mathematics. Many of the entries are based on the updated fifth edition of Gradshteyn and Ryzhik’s ”Tables of Integrals, Series, and Products,” though during the preparation of the book, results were also...
Management, Control, and Evolution of IP Networks
Management, Control, and Evolution of IP Networks
Starting with various aspects of quality of service and the evolution of IP networks, this book covers the improvement of addressing in IP version 6, enhanced security, and the adaptation of video for the Internet and voice over IP. New generations of IP networks are discussed including the future of pervasive networks, wi-fi, the control of...
Rape Investigation Handbook
Rape Investigation Handbook
"This book is easy to read and follows a logical progression from the initial call to the courts. Anyone involved in dealing with sexual assault cases in any capacity would benefit from having this book in their library of reference texts." - www.crimeandclues.com

An unprecedented collaborative work -- the first
Introduction to Chemical Engineering Kinetics & Reactor Design
Introduction to Chemical Engineering Kinetics & Reactor Design
One feature that distinguishes the education of the chemical engineer from that of other engineers is an exposure to the basic concepts of chemical reaction kinetics and chemical reactor design. This textbook provides a judicious introductory level overview of these subjects. Emphasis is placed on the aspects of chemical kinetics and material and...
Bike, Scooter, and Chopper Projects for the Evil Genius
Bike, Scooter, and Chopper Projects for the Evil Genius
Greetings! Glad that you decided to take an interest in the best hobby you will ever know! Maybe you are already a seasoned garage hacker and have decided to build a few of the projects from this book, adding your own special modifications, of course. Or, maybe you have never thought about taking an angle grinder to a working bicycle, chopping it...
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