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Designing from Both Sides of the Screen: How Designers and Engineers Can Collaborate to Build Cooperative Technology
Designing from Both Sides of the Screen: How Designers and Engineers Can Collaborate to Build Cooperative Technology
Designing from Both Sides of the Screen: How Designers and Engineers Can Collaborate to Build Cooperative Technology is a must-have book for anyone developing user interfaces (UI). The authors define a seemingly simple goal, the Cooperative Principle for Technology: "[T]hose who are designing, building, or managing the development of...
Theory and Practice of Relational Databases, Second Edition
Theory and Practice of Relational Databases, Second Edition
First published a decade ago, the Theory and Practice of Relational Databases gained fairly noticeable popularity, particularly amongst those readers to whom it was primarily addressed—the students. After a decade, however, any book needs reviewing, for the field will have developed, presentation could be improved, choice of topics might be...
Intelligent Agents V. Agents Theories, Architectures, and Languages: 5th International Workshop, ATAL'98, Paris, France, July 4-7, 1998, Proceedings
Intelligent Agents V. Agents Theories, Architectures, and Languages: 5th International Workshop, ATAL'98, Paris, France, July 4-7, 1998, Proceedings
This book is the fifth in the successful line of Intelligent Agents volumes published in LNAI. It is based on the fifth workshop on Agent Theories, Architectures, and Languages (ATAL'98) held during the Agents World conference in Paris in July 1998. The 25 revised full papers included were selected from a total of 90 submissions during two rounds...
Contributions to Ubiquitous Computing (Studies in Computational Intelligence)
Contributions to Ubiquitous Computing (Studies in Computational Intelligence)
Mark Weisers vision of computers moving out of our focus of attention and becoming oblivious devices that occur in large numbers and provide smart computing und communication services to individuals as needed is still far from being reality.

This book puts the larger vision of ubiquitous computing in the context of todays mobile and distributed...

Evolutionary Scheduling (Studies in Computational Intelligence)
Evolutionary Scheduling (Studies in Computational Intelligence)
Evolutionary scheduling is a vital research domain at the interface of two important sciences - artificial intelligence and operational research. Scheduling problems are generally complex, large scale, constrained, and multi-objective in nature, and classical operational research techniques are often inadequate at solving them effectively. With the...
Maximum Windows 2000 Security (Maximum Security)
Maximum Windows 2000 Security (Maximum Security)
Written from the hacker's perspective, Maximum Windows 2000 Security is a comprehensive, solutions-oriented guide to Windows 2000 security.

Topics include:

  • Physical & File System Security,
  • Password Security,
  • Malicious Code,
  • Windows 2000 Network Security Architecture and Professional...
  • Sams Teach Yourself Visual Basic .NET in 21 Days
    Sams Teach Yourself Visual Basic .NET in 21 Days

    Sams Teach Yourself Visual Basic.NET in 21 Days provides readers with 21 structured lessons with step-by-step guidance to real-world tasks. Each chapter also contains exercises that reinforce the lessons learned in each chapter. Tips, Notes, and Cautions provide additional advice from the authors on how to get up-to-speed and programming...

    XHTML by Example
    XHTML by Example

    XHTML by Example explains the differences in syntax between HTML and XHTML, and the concept of 'well-formedness', which is underused in HTML but crucial and required in XHTML. Further coverage includes authoring guidelines for a smooth transition to XHTML, XML DTDs and Schemas, and how they relate to XHTML, how XHTML modularization provides...

    Wireless Positioning Technologies and Applications (Technology and Applications)
    Wireless Positioning Technologies and Applications (Technology and Applications)
    At last--here's a comprehensive book that puts full details on all short-range wireless-positioning methods at your command for instant access and use. This one-stop resource surveys each technique's theory of operation, advantages and disadvantages, applicability in different domains, implementation procedures, and accuracy to help you select the...
    Customizable  Embedded Processors: Design Technologies and Applications (Systems on Silicon)
    Customizable Embedded Processors: Design Technologies and Applications (Systems on Silicon)
    Standard Processors have been the fuel for the computer revolution over the last 50 years. A new technology called Custom Embedded Processors is fast becoming the key enabling technology of the next 50 years. In this book the reader will learn the basic theory, and practical examples of how this powerful new approach has been put to use. It's a...
    Sams Teach Yourself Samba in 24 Hours (2nd Edition)
    Sams Teach Yourself Samba in 24 Hours (2nd Edition)
    When Linux or Unix gets adopted by computing groups that already have users working with a version of the Windows platform, administrators overseeing the network integration of the two operating systems look to Samba to make a connection. Sams Teach Yourself Samba in 24 Hours furnishes 24 one-hour essential lessons geared toward...
    Complete Wireless Design
    Complete Wireless Design


    *PUFF RF/Microwave circuit simulation software
    *Sonnet Lite electromagnetic simulation software
    *National's PLL Design Program
    *Agilent's AppCad circuit design program

    Design an entire radio system from the ground up instead of relying on a simple plug-in selection of circuits to be modified....

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