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Radiowave Propagation and Smart Antennas for Wireless Communications
Radiowave Propagation and Smart Antennas for Wireless Communications
This book emerged from teaching a graduate level course in propagation and smart antennas at the Naval Postgraduate School. In its present form, it is suitable not only as a graduate level text, but also as a reference book for industry and research use. The area of radiowave propagation and smart antennas is highly interdisciplinary, extracting...
JavaScript 1.5 by Example
JavaScript 1.5 by Example
JavaScript 1.5 by Example starts with a taste of JavaScript – what it is, what it's for, and what readers need to get started. The book then explains how to add JavaScript to existing HTML pages, leading readers into the fundamentals of the language including JavaScript syntax, notation and conventions, communicating with users via input and...
AutoCAD 2006 for Dummies
AutoCAD 2006 for Dummies
AutoCAD "X" For Dummies is being updated to reflect the new features in the latest release of AutoCAD.

Get acquainted with AutoCAD, one piece at a time

Take a quick tour of AutoCAD, see what's new, and start making real drawings

If ever there was a software package that could use some down-to-earth...

Winning at Internet Poker For Dummies (Computer/Tech)
Winning at Internet Poker For Dummies (Computer/Tech)
Find the right site, set up an account, and play to win!

The fun and easy way® to take poker online and win!

Passionate about poker? This easy-to-follow guide gives you the lowdown on the hottest games around — including Texas Hold 'Em, Omaha, and Seven-Card Stud. Read up on how to find the best sites,...

Deductive Databases and Their Applications
Deductive Databases and Their Applications
Deductive Databases and their Applications is an introductory text aimed at undergraduate students with some knowledge of database and information systems. The text comes complete with exercises and solutions to encourage students to tackle problems practically as well as theoretically. The author presents the origins of deductive databases in...
Multidimensional Geographic Information Science (Geographic Information Systems Workshop)
Multidimensional Geographic Information Science (Geographic Information Systems Workshop)
This book has been a long time in the making. The origins of the ideas in this book lie in 1990 when I attended a NATO-funded Advanced Study Institute in Las Navas del Marqués in Spain on ‘Cognitive and Linguistic Aspects of Geographic Space’, organised by Andrew Frank and David Mark. After a long gestation, I started to write...
Sams Teach Yourself Visual C++.NET in 21 Days (2nd Edition)
Sams Teach Yourself Visual C++.NET in 21 Days (2nd Edition)
Sams Teach Yourself Visual C++.NET in 21 Days, 2nd Edition is a time-saving guide walking you through Visual C++ tools and wizards for building applications and places VC++ in the context of the new Visual Studio.NET environment. This book emphasizes using Visual C++ tools and wizards to generate code. Code examples are augmented with C++ language...
Video Object Extraction and Representation: Theory and Applications
Video Object Extraction and Representation: Theory and Applications
Video Object Extraction and Representation: Theory and Applications is an essential reference for electrical engineers working in video; computer scientists researching or building multimedia databases; video system designers; students of video processing; video technicians; and designers working in the graphic arts.

Optimization Software Class Libraries (Operations Research/Computer Science Interfaces Series)
Optimization Software Class Libraries (Operations Research/Computer Science Interfaces Series)
Stefan Voß and David Woodruff have edited a carefully refereed volume by experts on optimization software class libraries. The book focuses on flexible and powerful collections of computational objects for addressing complex optimization problems. These component class libraries are suitable for use in the increasing number of optimization...
Clustering Windows Server: A Road Map for Enterprise Solutions
Clustering Windows Server: A Road Map for Enterprise Solutions
During the final decade of the twentieth century, Microsoft achieved historic levels of marketing success in the computing business. Microsoft offered an alternative so economically appealing to the computing industry that resistance seemed futile in all but a few cases.

Two questions remain. First, “Is there a solution to the
Wetland Landscape Characterization: GIS, Remote Sensing and Image Analysis
Wetland Landscape Characterization: GIS, Remote Sensing and Image Analysis
The issue of identifying wetlands, quantifying their change over time, and characterizing the influences of nature and humans on them is a difficult one. Wetlands are a mix of terrestrial and aquatic systems that create a unique condition. Long of secondary interest in the minds of the public, scientists, and engineers, they have been evaluated on...
Broadband Local Loops for High-Speed Internet Access (Artech House Telecommunications Library)
Broadband Local Loops for High-Speed Internet Access (Artech House Telecommunications Library)
If you are a an engineer working for a telecommunications carrier or Internet service provider, or a manufacturer or student interested in communication technology and digital communications, this comprehensive overview of broadband access technologies is essential reading for you. The book offers you an in-depth understanding of unbundling for...
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