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Rapid Portlet Development with WebSphere Portlet Factory: Step-by-Step Guide for Building Your Own Portlets
Rapid Portlet Development with WebSphere Portlet Factory: Step-by-Step Guide for Building Your Own Portlets
The Step-by-Step Guide to Building World-Class Portlet Solutions–Fast!


Portlet development traditionally has been difficult and time-consuming, requiring costly resources and specialized expertise in multiple technologies. IBM®...

The Best of 2600: A Hacker Odyssey
The Best of 2600: A Hacker Odyssey
" … The Best of 2600: A Hacker Odyssey is an important, amazing book that tells the story of these kids and adults as they explore a new frontier."
—John Baichtal (Wired Blog, August, 2008)

"...a testament to a culture which thrived before computers and the internet mattered to most of...

Build Your Own Low-Power Transmitters: Projects for the Electronics Experimenter
Build Your Own Low-Power Transmitters: Projects for the Electronics Experimenter
Rudolf Graf and William Sheets have written a book containing twenty low-power (LP) transmitter projects, perfect for the electronics hobbyist and radio experimenter. Now that the FCC has changed its regulations about "pirate" transmissions, more and more people are setting up radio and video stations for broadcast from their homes. Build...
Chaos and Coarse Graining in Statistical Mechanics
Chaos and Coarse Graining in Statistical Mechanics
While statistical mechanics describe the equilibrium state of systems with many degrees of freedom, and dynamical systems explain the irregular evolution of systems with few degrees of freedom, new tools are needed to study the evolution of systems with many degrees of freedom. This book presents the basic aspects of chaotic systems, with emphasis...
Color Constancy (The Wiley-IS&T Series in Imaging Science and Technology)
Color Constancy (The Wiley-IS&T Series in Imaging Science and Technology)
A human observer is able to recognize the color of objects irrespective of the light used to illuminate the objects. This ability is called color constancy. In photography, color constancy is known under the name white balance. Most amateur photographers have probably experienced the following problem at one time or another when a photograph is...
Cisco Secure Firewall Services Module (FWSM)
Cisco Secure Firewall Services Module (FWSM)

By definition, a firewall is a single device used to enforce security policies within a network or between networks by controlling traffic flows.

The Firewall Services Module (FWSM) is a very capable device that can be used to enforce those security policies. The FWSM was developed as a module or blade that resides in either

Philosophical Frameworks for Understanding Information Systems
Philosophical Frameworks for Understanding Information Systems
Information systems have five main areas of research and practice in which humans relate to information and communications technology. Typically isolated from one another, these areas are: the nature of computers and information, the creation of information technologies, the development of artifacts for human use, the usage of information systems,...
Technologies and Systems for Access and Transport Networks (Artech House Mobile Communications)
Technologies and Systems for Access and Transport Networks (Artech House Mobile Communications)
Take command of core technologies at the heart of all telecommunications systems with the first book expressly designed to help you apply, reuse, and enhance building-block components from one generation of networks to the next. This unique problem-solver unravels the complexities behind such technologies as synchronization, multiple access,...
An Introduction to Neural Networks
An Introduction to Neural Networks
Covers: artificial neurons as models of their real counterparts; the geometry of network action in pattern space; gradient descent methods, including back-propagation; associative memory and Hopfield nets; and self-organization and feature maps.

This book grew out of a set of course notes for a neural networks module given as part of a
The Future of Mobile Communications: Awaiting the Third Generation
The Future of Mobile Communications: Awaiting the Third Generation
The aim of this book is to investigate the prospects for mobile communications in the new millennium. In effect, this boils down to a key issue: Will the so-called third generation of mobile (alternatively, wireless or cellular) technology turn out to be a success or a failure? This is no minor issue since telecommunications is one of the...
Vba for Excel Made Simple (Made Simple Programming)
Vba for Excel Made Simple (Made Simple Programming)
This book provides an introduction to VBA for Excel for new users. It covers basic concepts of VBA and of macro programming, and takes the reader through the process of constructing interactive working applications. Features which make it particularly suitable for new and non-technical users are: * step-by-step approach * avoidance of jargon *...
Delivering Learning on the Net: The Why, What and How of Online Education (Open and Distance Learning)
Delivering Learning on the Net: The Why, What and How of Online Education (Open and Distance Learning)
As online education becomes more familiar, so the reality of using it in teaching and learning has moved beyond the realm of the specialist. Pedagogy and best practice Delivering Learning on the Net explores the reality of online education today. Accessible and stimulating, it will make a real impact on the way educators use and approach Net-based...
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