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Binding Theory (Cambridge Textbooks in Linguistics)
Binding Theory (Cambridge Textbooks in Linguistics)
This study explores how different kinds of nominal expressions such as names, noun phrases and pronouns develop anaphoric relations among each another that have reference to physical elements. Providing a thorough and comprehensive introduction to modern binding theory, this book introduces a variety of nominal and, especially, pronominal...
The Theory of Spinors
The Theory of Spinors
Describes orthgonal and related Lie groups, using real or complex parameters and indefinite metrics. Develops theory of spinors by giving a purely geometric definition of these mathematical entities. Covers generalities on the group of rotations in n-dimensional space, the theory of spinors in spaces of any number of dimensions and much more....
The NeuroProcessor: An Integrated Interface to Biological Neural Networks
The NeuroProcessor: An Integrated Interface to Biological Neural Networks
This book presents the Neuroprocessor, a novel computational neuronal interface device implemented in VLSI technology. In addition to neuronal signals acquisition, it can process the data, generate stimuli and transmit the data over wireless channels, while using minimum electric energy.

The NeuroProcessor opens with a brief background...

RF Photonic Technology in Optical Fiber Links
RF Photonic Technology in Optical Fiber Links
RF photonic components, transmission systems, and signal processing examples in optical fibers are reviewed by leading academic, government, and industry scientists working in this field. This volume introduces various related technologies such as direct modulation of laser sources, external modulation techniques, and detectors. The text is aimed...
Linear Algebra (Cliffs Quick Review)
Linear Algebra (Cliffs Quick Review)

CliffsQuickReview course guides cover the essentials of your toughest classes. Get a firm grip on core concepts and key material, and approach your exams with newfound confidence.

CliffsQuickReview Linear Algebra demystifies the topic with straightforward explanations of the fundamentals. This comprehensive guide begins...

Handbook of Integral Equations, Second Edition (Handbooks of Mathematical Equations)
Handbook of Integral Equations, Second Edition (Handbooks of Mathematical Equations)
Handbook of Integral Equations, Second Edition, a unique reference for engineers and scientists, contains over 2,500 integral equationswith solutions, aswell as analytical and numerical methods for solving linear and nonlinear equations. It considersVolterra,Fredholm,Wiener–Hopf,Hammerstein,  Urysohn, and other equations,which arise...
Design Concepts in Programming Languages
Design Concepts in Programming Languages
This book is the text for 6.821 Programming Languages, an entry-level, singlesemester, graduate-level course at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The students that take our course know how to program and are mathematically inclined, but they typically have not had an introduction to programming language design or its mathematical...
The Mathematical Theory of Cosmic Strings (Series in High Energy Physics, Cosmology and Gravitation)
The Mathematical Theory of Cosmic Strings (Series in High Energy Physics, Cosmology and Gravitation)
Anderson provides a comprehensive summary and review of the mathematical theory of cosmic strings. The subject is not in a state of rapid change so the book is up to date and it is likely to remain so for some time. Although the book is technical and requires a strong mathematical background and an interest in differential geometry, it is well...
The Dirac Equation (Theoretical and Mathematical Physics)
The Dirac Equation (Theoretical and Mathematical Physics)
The Dirac Equation is a modern presentation of the relativistic quantum mechanics of electrons intended to make new mathematical results accessible to a wider audience. It treats in some depth the relativistic invariance of a quantum theory, self-adjointness and spectral theory, qualitative features of relativistic bound and...
Documentary in the Digital Age
Documentary in the Digital Age
If you want to learn from the leading lights of today's revolution in documentary filmmaking Maxine Baker has written the guide you need to own. You'll discover the many different and innovative approaches to documentary form and style arising from the use of innovative new technology. A tribute to the mavericks of creativity, inside you will find...
Writing Successfully in Science
Writing Successfully in Science
Are you a reluctant writer? If so, you are in good company. Many scientists, even the most successful ones, would rather get on with their next piece of work than settle down to reporting the last piece. But it is a fact of scientific life that every worthwhile research project must lead to publication or a written report of some kind. Each new...
Handbook of Research on Fuzzy Information Processing in Databases
Handbook of Research on Fuzzy Information Processing in Databases
Information technology is one of the most rapidly changing disciplines, especially with the fuzzy extension. Fuzzy databases have been studied in many works and papers but, in general, these works study some particular area and many works are theoretical works, with very few real applications.

The Handbook of Research on Fuzzy...

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