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Genealogy Online For Dummies (Sports & Hobbies)
Genealogy Online For Dummies (Sports & Hobbies)
"this is a book you must not miss" -- Pensacola News Journal, May 28, 2000

CD-ROM includes lots of valuable software tools

Use the Internet to search international records and preserve your results

Fascinated with family history? Now's...

Handbook of Bioterrorism and Disaster Medicine
Handbook of Bioterrorism and Disaster Medicine
From the reviews:

"The textbook, which is composed of 7 chapters, is well-written and easy to read. The chapters are designed, as noted by the editors, to be concise and well-supplemented with Web-based resources. … Overall this text is a useful and well written reference that addresses a wide variety of topics, with a concise and...

Mathematical Models for Systems Reliability
Mathematical Models for Systems Reliability
Evolved from the lectures of a recognized pioneer in developing the theory of reliability, Mathematical Models for Systems Reliability provides a rigorous treatment of the required probability background for understanding reliability theory.

This classroom-tested text begins by discussing the Poisson process and its associated...

46 Science Fair Projects for the Evil Genius
46 Science Fair Projects for the Evil Genius

Want to win first place in the next science fair? 46 Science Fair Projects for the Evil Genius has everything you need to create amazing, sophisticated projects that will wow the judges and keep everyone talking long after the awards are...


Master the Android mobile development platform

Build compelling Java-based mobile applications using the Android SDK and the Eclipse open-source software development platform. Android: A Programmer's Guide shows you, step-by-step, how to download and set up all of the necessary tools, build and tune...

Ubuntu: The Complete Reference (Complete Reference Series)
Ubuntu: The Complete Reference (Complete Reference Series)

The Definitive Guide to Ubuntu--Covers Ubuntu 8.04 LTS

Maximize the powerful features of Ubuntu with expert guidance, tips, and techniques from bestselling Linux author Richard Petersen. Packed with clear explanations and detailed examples, this comprehensive volume shows you how to get off the ground with Ubuntu, set up...

Computability and Unsolvability (Mcgraw-Hill Series in Information Processing and Computers.)
Computability and Unsolvability (Mcgraw-Hill Series in Information Processing and Computers.)
Classic text considers general theory of computability, computable functions, operations on computable functions, Turing machines self-applied, unsolvable decision problems, applications of general theory, mathematical logic, Kleene hierarchy, computable functionals, classification of unsolvable decision problems and more.

This book is
Introduction to Electrodynamics (3rd Edition)
Introduction to Electrodynamics (3rd Edition)
An unusually accessible treatment of the fundamentals of electromagnetic theory.

Features a clear, accessible treatment of the fundamentals of electromagnetic theory. Its lean and focused approach employs numerous examples and problems. Carefully discusses subtle or difficult points. Contains numerous, relevant problems
Podcasting For Dummies (Computer/Tech)
Podcasting For Dummies (Computer/Tech)
New tools have made it easier to create a podcast. The second edition of Podcasting For Dummies shows you how you can create and distribute your own online recordings using tools you already have. This edition also covers what you need to build a top-notch podcasting studio. Expert podcasters Tee Morris and Evo Terra are joined on this edition by a...
Digital Video For Dummies (Computer/Tech)
Digital Video For Dummies (Computer/Tech)
So you have a camcorder and visions of being the next Spielberg. But how do you progress from shooting so-so footage to showing your own finished movie? Digital Video For Dummies, 4th Edition gives you the know-how and the show-how! Find out how to shoot and edit great movies, using iMovie, Windows Movie Maker, or Adobe Premiere Elements...
Building a PC For Dummies
Building a PC For Dummies
Got a screwdriver? You can put together your own PC!

Build the foundation, install an operating system, and add the cool stuff

You'll be amazed at how easy it can be to assemble your own PC — and how much fun you can have! This book skips the techno-talk and takes you through the process step by step. Install sound and video...

Multilingual Speech Processing
Multilingual Speech Processing
Tanja Schultz and Katrin Kirchhoff have compiled a comprehensive overview of speech processing from a multilingual perspective. By taking this all-inclusive approach to speech processing, the editors have included theories, algorithms, and techniques that are required to support spoken input and output in a large variety of languages. This book...
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