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The Definitive Guide to SOA: Oracle® Service Bus, Second Edition
The Definitive Guide to SOA: Oracle® Service Bus, Second Edition
The Definitive Guide to SOA: Oracle® Service Bus, Second Edition targets professional software developers and architects who know enterprise development but are new to enterprise service buses (ESBs) and service–oriented architecture (SOA) development. This is the first book to cover a practical approach to SOA using the BEA...
DJ Skills: The essential guide to Mixing and Scratching
DJ Skills: The essential guide to Mixing and Scratching
The complete package- the art and style of all types of DJ?s, including Dance and Hip-Hop

DJ Skills: The Essential Guide to Mixing & Scratching is the most comprehensive, up to date approach to DJing ever produced. With insights from top club, mobile, and scratch DJs, the book includes many teaching strategies developed in
Doing Research in the Real World
Doing Research in the Real World
"If you are interested in a balanced overview of both quantitative and qualitative research methods, if you are considering doing research at work or as a student, or if you are looking for a contemporary book on how research can be done in business settings, David Gray's Doing research in the real world  would be an excellent...
Electrician's Troubleshooting and Testing Pocket Guide, Third Edition
Electrician's Troubleshooting and Testing Pocket Guide, Third Edition
The ultimate electrical equipment troubleshooting pocket guide

Designed for quick reference at any job site, the Electrician's Troubleshooting and Testing Pocket Guide enables electricians using portable meters to test, maintain, and troubleshoot all types of electrical equipment and systems.

This updated...

Image Fusion: Algorithms and Applications
Image Fusion: Algorithms and Applications
A complete resource containing in one volume the latest algorithms, design techniques and applications on the 'hot' topic of image fusion

The application of sensor technology has brought considerable interest in the area of image fusion. Written by leading experts in the field, this book brings together in one volume the most
Encyclopedia of Stem Cell Research (2 Vol.Set)
Encyclopedia of Stem Cell Research (2 Vol.Set)
What is a stem cell? We have a basic working definition, but the way we observe a stem cell function in a dish may not represent how it functions in a living organism. Only this is clear: Stem cells are the engine room of multicelluar organisms-both plants and animals. However, controversies, breakthroughs, and frustration continue to swirl in...
Erdos on Graphs : His Legacy of Unsolved Problems
Erdos on Graphs : His Legacy of Unsolved Problems
A tribute to Paul Erdos, the wandering mathematician once described as the prince of problem solvers & the absolute monarch of problem posers, examines within the context of his personality & lifestyle the legacy of open problems he left to the world of mathematics after his death in 1996. DLC: Graph theory.

There is no
OpenGL(R) ES 2.0 Programming Guide
OpenGL(R) ES 2.0 Programming Guide
Over the years, the “Red Book” has become the authoritative reference for each new version of the OpenGL API. Now we have the “Gold Book” for OpenGL ES 2.0—a cross-platform open standard ushering in a new era of shader programmability and visual sophistication for a wide variety of embedded and mobile devices, from...
Evaluating Novel Threats to the Homeland: Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and Cruise Missiles
Evaluating Novel Threats to the Homeland: Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and Cruise Missiles
Deciding how to invest homeland security resources wisely in the United States can often appear to be an intractable problem because the large, open American society seems to be so vulnerable to so many threats in every corner of the country. This monograph is intended to help bound the problem in order to aid policy and resource decisions about...
EW 102: A Second Course in Electronic Warfare
EW 102: A Second Course in Electronic Warfare
Serving as a continuation of the bestselling book EW 101: A First Course in Electronic Warfare, this new volume is a second installment of popular tutorials featured in the Journal of Electronic Defense. Without delving into complex mathematics, this book gives engineers, defense contractors, managers, and government procurers a basic working...
Explosives and Chemical Weapons Identification (Forensic Science Techniques)
Explosives and Chemical Weapons Identification (Forensic Science Techniques)
I have thought long and hard about this book. This book was not created to make money. It was created to save lives — the lives of first responders and the people they have dedicated their lives to protect, the general public.

What is a first responder? It is a phrase often mentioned in the press but rarely defined.
Direct3D Programming Kick Start
Direct3D Programming Kick Start

DirectX 9, a brand-new version of Microsoft's multimedia libraries, features the latest 3D graphics technology in the form of Direct3D 9. Direct3D Programming will cover everything a C++ programmer needs to know in order to use Direct3D 9 to create interactive 3D worlds. The book begins with an overview of basic Windows and 3D programming...

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