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Introduction to Microprocessors and Microcontrollers
Introduction to Microprocessors and Microcontrollers
The first edition of this book started with the words: ‘A modern society could no longer function without the microprocessor.’

This is certainly still true but it is even truer if we include the microcontroller. While the microprocessor is at the heart of our computers, with a great deal of publicity, the microcontroller is
Introduction to Numerical Analysis: Second Edition
Introduction to Numerical Analysis: Second Edition
Well-known, respected introduction, updated to integrate concepts and procedures associated with computers. Computation, approximation, interpolation, numerical differentiation and integration, smoothing of data, other topics in lucid presentation. Includes 150 additional problems in this edition. Bibliography.

This volume is intended to
Database Design (Sams Teach Yourself)
Database Design (Sams Teach Yourself)
Database Design is the book you need to master the fundamentals of relational database design in today's ever-evolving world of database technologies. This book takes an approach to database design to teach the reader how to reach into the inner depths of an organization to understand the business needs, data, and daily processes that will all...
The ABCs of IP Addressing
The ABCs of IP Addressing
Our world is rapidly becoming an Internet-based world, with tens of millions of homes, millions of businesses, and within a short period of time, possibly hundreds of millions of mobile professionals accessing the literal mother of all networks. One of the key problems affecting many Internet users, ranging from individual professionals to...
Speed!: Understanding and Installing Home Networks (Sams Other)
Speed!: Understanding and Installing Home Networks (Sams Other)
This book is more than a guide. It is a valuable reference that is written in plain, non-technical language so readers can put the information to use straightaway. There are descriptions of the latest technologies, protocols, services, and software packages. The reader will unearth methods on how to create an economical and secure network for...
TCP/IP Essentials: A Lab-Based Approach
TCP/IP Essentials: A Lab-Based Approach
The TCP/IP family of protocols has become the de facto standard in the world of networking. Found in virtually all computer communication systems, they form the basis of today's Internet. Including a series of carefully designed laboratory experiments that span the various elements of protocol definition and behavior, this book is a hands-on guide...
Computer Telephony Integration, Second Edition
Computer Telephony Integration, Second Edition
Since the publication of the first edition, the CTI world has changed significantly. Where it was once focused on the integration of voice systems with computers, the focus is now on IP-based voice, or converged networks and services. Today, the telcos are upgrading their systems from circuit-switched to IP-based packet-switched networks. Companies...
Introduction to Software Testing
Introduction to Software Testing

Extensively class tested, this text takes an innovative approach to explaining the process of software testing: it defines testing as the process of applying a few well-defined, general-purpose test criteria to a structure or model of the software. The structure of the text directly reflects the pedagogical approach and incorporates the latest...

Practical Dojo Projects (Practical Projects)
Practical Dojo Projects (Practical Projects)
I’ve been developing software for a long time, by anyone’s count: over 25 years, about 15 or so of that “professionally” (meaning 15 years or so I’ve been getting paid to pretend I know what I’m doing). I’ve been doing web development specifically for something like 10 or so of those years. I can say, with...
Inverse Problems in Engineering Mechanics
Inverse Problems in Engineering Mechanics
Inverse problems can be found in many topics of engineering mechanics. There are many successful applications in the fields of inverse problems (non-destructive testing and characterization of material properties by ultrasonic or X-ray techniques, thermography, etc.). Generally speaking, the inverse problems are concerned with the determination of...
Mobile Wireless Communications
Mobile Wireless Communications
A wide range of real-world examples illustrates the theoretical aspects of this tutorial introduction to digital mobile wireless networks. In particular, 2.5G and 3G packet-switched systems are discussed in detail, as are wireless LANs and personal-area networks. Many worked examples and homework exercises are provided, and a solutions manual is...
IPTV Security: Protecting High-Value Digital Contents
IPTV Security: Protecting High-Value Digital Contents

Television was one of the inventions that shaped the way society and culture evolved over the second half of the twentieth century. It had the powerful effect of shrinking the world which creating a unified view of how things were. There continues to be an evolution of television and a migration towards a fully interactive and ubiquitous IPTV....

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