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Physics and Probability: Essays in Honor of Edwin T. Jaynes
Physics and Probability: Essays in Honor of Edwin T. Jaynes
The pioneering work of Edwin T. Jaynes in the field of statistical physics, quantum optics, and probability theory has had a significant and lasting effect on the study of many physical problems, ranging from fundamental theoretical questions through to practical applications such as optical image restoration. Physics and Probability is a...
Playing with Infinity: Mathematical Explorations and Excursions
Playing with Infinity: Mathematical Explorations and Excursions
Popular account ranges from counting to mathematical logic and covers the many mathematical concepts that relate to infinity: graphic representation of functions; pairings and other combinations; prime numbers; logarithms and circular functions; formulas, analytical geometry; infinite lines, complex numbers, expansion in the power series;...
Practical Internet Security
Practical Internet Security
As organizations today are linking their systems across enterprise-wide networks and VPNs as well as increasing their exposure to customers, competitors, browsers and hackers on the Internet, it becomes increasingly imperative for Web professionals to be trained in techniques for effectively protecting their sites from internal and external...
JRuby Cookbook
JRuby Cookbook
If you're interested in JRuby, you probably don't need a turorial on Ruby, Rails, or Java -- you just need to know how to get things done. This Cookbook offers practical solutions for using the Java implementation of the Ruby language, with targeted recipes for deploying Rails web applications on Java servers, integrating JRuby code with Java...
Communication Networks And Computer Systems (Communications and Signal Processing)
Communication Networks And Computer Systems (Communications and Signal Processing)
Communication networks and computer systems research is entering a new phase in which many of the established models and techniques of the last twenty years are being challenged. The research community is continuing to free itself from past intellectual constraints so that it may fully exploit the convergence of computing and communications....
The A to Z book of computer games
The A to Z book of computer games
There is probably no need to explain the fun you can have playing games with computers. More specious though perhaps, is the enjoyment experienced by the person who programs the computer. Most games played with card, dice, and the like are challenging and mentally stimulating. So too, is the process of compter programming - perhaps even more so....
The Unofficial Guide to Microsoft Office Excel 2007
The Unofficial Guide to Microsoft Office Excel 2007
The inside scoop...for when you want more than the official line!

Microsoft Office Excel 2007 may be just what you need to crunch numbers, but to use it with confidence, you'll need to know its quirks and shortcuts. Find out what the manual doesn't always tell you in this insider's guide to using Excel in the real world....

Visual Basic 2008 For Dummies (Computer/Tech)
Visual Basic 2008 For Dummies (Computer/Tech)
Visual Basic is a favorite programming language, so if you’re new to programming, it’s a great place to start. Visual Basic 2008 For Dummies is the fun and easy way to begin creating applications right away while you get the hang of using the Visual Studio environment. Soon you’ll be building all sorts of useful stuff...
Always Be Testing: The Complete Guide to Google Website Optimizer
Always Be Testing: The Complete Guide to Google Website Optimizer
Stop guessing, start testing, and enjoy greater success with your website.

If you’re looking for more leads, sales, and profit from your website, then look no further than this expert guide to Google’s free A/B and multivariate website testing tool, Google Website Optimizer. Recognized online marketing guru and New York...

Scheduling in Distributed Computing Systems: Analysis, Design and Models
Scheduling in Distributed Computing Systems: Analysis, Design and Models
Scheduling in Distributed Computing Systems: Analysis, Design and Models intends to inculcate the innovative ideas for the scheduling aspect. Although the models in this book are designed for distributed systems, the same information is applicable for any type of system (i.e., where distributed processing is required).

Scheduling in...

Platinum Edition Using XHTML, XML & Java 2 (Platinum Edition Using)
Platinum Edition Using XHTML, XML & Java 2 (Platinum Edition Using)
Platinum Edition Using XHTML, XML, and Java 2 shows how to combine these three powerful standards--and plenty of others--to deliver flexible Web content on a variety of platforms, including Java. This admirably comprehensive book covers virtually everything today's Web developer needs in order to deliver flexible content for a variety of...
Robust Intelligent Systems
Robust Intelligent Systems
Using artificial intelligence and robustness as a unifying theme, this book comments on the fundamental strategies found in nature (such as redundancy, granularity, adaptation, repair, self-healing, etc.), and how an understanding of these can be used to further research into general design principles for artificial intelligence in the context of a...
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