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Dreamweaver MX Extensions
Dreamweaver MX Extensions

Do you use Dreamweaver? Have you downloaded and installed extensions from the Dreamweaver Exchange, and do you love the whole idea of being able to add objects, behaviors, commands, and so forth, to the program? Do you often find yourself thinking, "If only Dreamweaver did it this way..." or "Why doesn't someone...

Maya 4.5 Savvy
Maya 4.5 Savvy

Maya is famed for its intuitive interface, and yet this high-end 3D application is so powerful that no one masters it without help. Maya 4.5 Savvy is an update to the successful Mastering Maya 3 and provides precisely the help you need to take your skills to the next level, regardless of your field and how much or little you...

The Object Constraint Language: Getting Your Models Ready for MDA, Second Edition
The Object Constraint Language: Getting Your Models Ready for MDA, Second Edition

The release of Unified Modeling Language (UML) 2.0 places renewed emphasis on the Object Constraint Language (OCL). Within UML, OCL is the standard for specifying expressions that add vital information to object-oriented models and other object-modeling artifacts. Model-Driven Architecture (MDA) relies on OCL to add the level of...

MCSE Planning and Maintaining a Windows Server 2003 Network Infrastructure: Exam 70-293 Study Guide
MCSE Planning and Maintaining a Windows Server 2003 Network Infrastructure: Exam 70-293 Study Guide

The MCSE Planning and Maintaining a Windows Server 2003 Network Infrastructure (Exam 70-293) Study Guide is a one-of-a-kind integration of text, and Web-based exam simulation and remediation. This system gives you 100% coverage of the official Microsoft 70-293 exam objectives.

  • Completely Guaranteed Coverage of All...
Mobile Usability:  How Nokia Changed the Face of the Mobile Phone
Mobile Usability: How Nokia Changed the Face of the Mobile Phone

When it comes to delivering product design innovations to mobile device users, Nokia is the company against which all others are judged. Now, the philosophies and working methods by which Nokia revolutionized product usability are explained for the first time in Mobile Usability: Change the Face of the Mobile Phone.

Written with...

The Tao of Network Security Monitoring : Beyond Intrusion Detection
The Tao of Network Security Monitoring : Beyond Intrusion Detection

Every network can be compromised. There are too many systems, offering too many services, running too many flawed applications. No amount of careful coding, patch management, or access control can keep out every attacker. If prevention eventually fails, how do you prepare for the intrusions that will eventually happen?

Cisco BSCI Exam Cram 2 (Exam Cram 642-801)
Cisco BSCI Exam Cram 2 (Exam Cram 642-801)

The Exam Cram Method of study focuses on exactly what you need to getcertified now. In this book you'll learn how to:

  • Distinguish the differences between link-state and distance vector protocols, and classfull and classless routing

  • ...
C# Programmer's Cookbook
C# Programmer's Cookbook

Next time you hit the wall with a tough C# development problem, get the code behind the solution—and solve it the right way. The C# Programmer’s Cookbook provides at-a-glance reference to hundreds of C# and Microsoft .NET Framework programming scenarios using a concise, problem/solution format. The book’s organized so...

Building Embedded Linux Systems
Building Embedded Linux Systems
Building Embedded Linux Systems shows you how to design and build your own embedded systems using Linux® as the kernel and freely available open source tools as the framework. Written by an active member of the open source community, the book is structured to gradually introduce readers to the intricacies of...
Adobe Bridge Official JavaScript Reference
Adobe Bridge Official JavaScript Reference

While creative professionals spend much of their time working on illustrations, photo-editing, and laying out pages, many parts of their jobs are anything BUT creative. Too often, they spend their time doing repetitive, time-wasting tasks such as placing and replacing images, correcting errors in text, cutting and pasting,...

Cisco Security Professional's Guide to Secure Intrusion Detection Systems
Cisco Security Professional's Guide to Secure Intrusion Detection Systems

This book presents a combination of intrusion detection systems (IDS) and security theory, Cisco security models, and detailed information regarding specific Cisco-based IDS solutions. Cisco Security Professional’s Guide to Secure Intrusion Detection Systems also serves as a guide for security administrators studying for the Cisco...

Microsoft Office 2003 Inside Out
Microsoft Office 2003 Inside Out

Hey, you know your way around Microsoft Office—so now dig into the 2003 edition and really put your PC to work! Covering Microsoft Access, Excel, FrontPage, Outlook, PowerPoint, Word, and new Microsoft Office InfoPath, this supremely organized reference packs hundreds of timesaving solutions, troubleshooting tips, and workarounds in...

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