The Alignment Effect offers managers a systematic blueprint for demanding real accountability and bottom-line business results from their IT investments. Using actual case studies, Faisal Hoque introduces Business Technology Management, a comprehensive approach to aligning technology with business objectives,...
If you're a working Oracle DBA, here's the Oracle SQL reference you've been searching for—simple, straightforward, and incredibly easy to use! There's no faster way to discover the exact syntax you need...refresh your memory about that option you haven't used lately...find the name of that view you know exists...start using...
The 70-299 exam measures your ability to implement, manage, maintain, and troubleshoot security in a Windows Server 2003 network infrastructure and also plan and configure a Windows Server 2003 PKI. The MCSE 70-299 Exam Cram 2 gives you the essential information you need to know to learn how to implement, manage,...
Animation Presets, an advanced Clone tool, scripting support, and a powerful new color correction system are just a few of the reasons you're chomping at the bit to get down to work with After Effects 6.5. In these pages, a master of the medium allows you to do just that, presenting a series of projects that explore every aspect of Adobe's...
Interactive television (iTV)—an evolutionary merging of digital TV and the Internet—is set to take the world by storm! For consumers, iTV technology offers powerful new ways to interact with content providers and merchants. These include enjoying video on demand; participating in online shopping, banking, and...
The only end-to-end guide to securing Apache Web servers and Web applications
Apache can be hacked. As companies have improved perimeter security, hackers have increasingly focused on attacking Apache Web servers and Web applications....
Microsoft Visual C# .NET 2003 Unleashed is a comprehensive reference and learning guide for the .NET Framework, using C# as the instructional language. You will be exposed to everything from low-level information on the Garbage Collector to advanced concepts like creating applications that use Enterprise Services,...
PHP5 is the newest version of the preferred language for rapidly creating dynamic Web page content. While its main use is as a cross-platform, HTML-embedded, server-side Web scripting language, it now works equally well when creating multi-tiered applications or XML-based applications as well as Web applications. This book teaches you the...
Drawing on extraordinary insider access to Microsoft's ASP.NET development team, three renowned ASP.NET experts cover every key platform enhancement, from Master Page templates for standardizing look and feel to improved security and data- access controls. They go far beyond already published white papers and previews, presenting...
Will your website pass the test? Or will site visitors be gnashing their teeth and shaking their fists? Will any customers ever come back to your site? Save yourself the embarrassment of being caught with your Web bloopers showing. Read this book and find out now if your website commits any heinous bloopers.
Apache, MySQL, PHP3, and IMP the pieces exist. Each piece has been described ad nauseam. What does not exist is a guide to the marriage of these software technologies into a useful book, until now. This book puts together information on installing, setting up, and troubleshooting each of these technologies into one complete...
Relax. Learning how to use Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003 is now a breeze. With this book's easy-to- use instructions, you'll master the unique FrontPage interface in no time. From building your first basic Web page to working with dynamic content, "Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003 Fast & Easy" gives you the...