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The Concept of Probability in Statistical Physics (Cambridge Studies in Probability, Induction and Decision Theory)
The Concept of Probability in Statistical Physics (Cambridge Studies in Probability, Induction and Decision Theory)
Probabilities have a puzzling character within the context of classical physics. Here, unlike in quantum mechanics, the use of probabilistic reasoning is not based on the existence of indeterminacy or objective lawlessness. Indeed, indeterminacy, in general, has no place in classical physics. In the very foundation of classical physics we find the...
The Galactic Black Hole: Studies in High Energy Physics, Cosmology and Gravitation
The Galactic Black Hole: Studies in High Energy Physics, Cosmology and Gravitation
The supermassive black hole in the center of our Milky Way is the nearest such object and relatively easy to observe and study. Not surprisingly therefore, it is the best studied supermassive black hole. Many astrophysical and even general relativistic effects can be investigated in great detail. The Galactic Black Hole: Lectures on General...
Teach Yourself VISUALLY Microsoft Office Access 2007 (Tech)
Teach Yourself VISUALLY Microsoft Office Access 2007 (Tech)
How to Use This Teach Yourself VISUALLY Book

Do you look at the pictures in a book or newspaper before anything else on a page? Would you rather see an image instead of read about how to do something? Search no further. This book is for you. Opening Teach Yourself VISUALLY Microsoft Office Access 2007 enables you to read less and learn
Teach Yourself VISUALLY Flash CS3 Professional (Tech)
Teach Yourself VISUALLY Flash CS3 Professional (Tech)
Clear, step-by-step screen shots arranged in two-page lessons show you how to tackle more than 140 Flash CS3 Professional tasks. No long-winded explanations, just easy, visual directions for performing such necessary operations as creating objects, symbols, and instances; controlling playback with the Timeline; adding interactivity with buttons;...
The Great Beyond: Higher Dimensions, Parallel Universes and the Extraordinary Search for a Theory of Everything
The Great Beyond: Higher Dimensions, Parallel Universes and the Extraordinary Search for a Theory of Everything

It is among the most elegant, radical, and tantalizing theories ever to be fashioned by the keen lathe of mathematical insight. For the better part of two centuries, the notion of higher dimensions beyond space and time has fueled the imaginations of scientists, writers, occultists, and more than a few con artists.

By turns...

The Handbook of Information and Computer Ethics
The Handbook of Information and Computer Ethics
This handbook provides an accessible overview of the most important issues in information and computer ethics. It covers: foundational issues and methodological frameworks; theoretical issues affecting property, privacy, anonymity, and security; professional issues and the information-related professions; responsibility issues and risk assessment;...
Debugging with GDB: The GNU Source-Level Debugger for GDB
Debugging with GDB: The GNU Source-Level Debugger for GDB
The purpose of a debugger such as gdb is to allow you to see what is going on “inside” another program while it executes—or what another program was doing at the moment it crashed.

gdb is free software, protected by the gnu General Public License (GPL). The GPL gives you the freedom to copy or adapt a licensed
Common-Sense C: Advice and Warnings for C and C++ Programmers
Common-Sense C: Advice and Warnings for C and C++ Programmers
C is a powerful programming language, but not without risks. Without help, even experienced C programmers can find themselves in trouble, despite "careful" programming, lint filters and good debuggers. And managers of programming projects can discover too late that using C carelessly can lead to delayed and defect-ridden software. This...
Fuzzy and Neutrosophic Analysis of Periyars Views on Untouchability
Fuzzy and Neutrosophic Analysis of Periyars Views on Untouchability
For the first time, the social problem of untouchability, which is peculiar to India, is being studied mathematically.

We have used Fuzzy Cognitive Maps and Neutrosophic Cognitive Maps to analyze the views of the revolutionary Periyar E. V. Ramasamy (17.09.1879 – 24.12.1973) who relentlessly worked for more than five decades to secure the...

Winning with Software: An Executive Strategy (SEI Series in Software Engineering)
Winning with Software: An Executive Strategy (SEI Series in Software Engineering)

When I mention software to senior executives, I get lots of reactions. Most are frustrated. They complain about missed commitments, quality problems, and unpleasant surprises. Others have been less closely involved. Software was a problem, but those problems have been handled. No one mentions the business opportunities of...

2DArtist Magazine, Issue 022, October 2007
2DArtist Magazine, Issue 022, October 2007
Welcome to the 22nd issue of 2d artists magazine. Please take some time to fill in our survey if you havent already done so. We are constantly trying to improve the magazine in many different ways and you can help by telling us how to improve your ‘experience’ of 2d artist.

You can see the survey here and dont forget...

Complexity Theory And The Management Of Networks: Proceedings Of The Workshop On Organisational Networks as Distributed Systems of Knowledge University of Lecce, Italy, 2001
Complexity Theory And The Management Of Networks: Proceedings Of The Workshop On Organisational Networks as Distributed Systems of Knowledge University of Lecce, Italy, 2001
This proceedings volume presents a multidisciplinary analysis of modern businesses as complex systems and some managerial implications of managing complex networks in the knowledge economy. It discusses the impact of major forces that are altering today's business landscape, such as sweeping technological changes, unbundling of integrated...
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