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Theoretical Physics
Theoretical Physics
Classic one-volume treatise covers mathematical topics needed by theoretical and experimental physicists (vector analysis, calculus of variations, etc.), followed by extensive coverage of mechanics, electromagnetic theory, thermodynamics, quantum mechanics, and nuclear physics. Indispensable reference for graduates and undergraduates.
The SIAM 100-Digit Challenge: A Study in High-Accuracy Numerical Computing
The SIAM 100-Digit Challenge: A Study in High-Accuracy Numerical Computing
"Destined to be a classic of modern computational science... a gourmet feast in ten courses." from the foreword by David H. Bailey, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory."

The authors, members of teams that solved all 10 problems, show in detail multiple approaches for solving each problem,
Theory of Relativity
Theory of Relativity

THIRTY-FIVE years ago this article on the theory of relativity, written by me at the rather young age of 21 years for the Mathematical Encyclopedia, was first published as a separate monograph together with a preface by Sommerfeld, who as the editor of this volume of the Encyclopedia was responsible for my authorship. It was the aim of the...

The Thermodynamic Universe: Exploring the Limits of Physics
The Thermodynamic Universe: Exploring the Limits of Physics
Particle Physics and High Energy Physics have stagnated since the early 1970s. Now, the underlying principle of reductionism -- so sacred to twentieth-century physics -- is itself being questioned. This book examines these tumultuous developments that are leading to a paradigm shift and a new horizon for Physics.

Presenting the new paradigm...

The Thirteen Books of Euclid's Elements, Books 1 and 2
The Thirteen Books of Euclid's Elements, Books 1 and 2
Volume 1 of 3-volume set containing complete English text of all 13 books of the Elements plus critical apparatus analyzing each definition, postulate, and proposition in great detail. Covers textual and linguistic matters; mathematical analyses of Euclid's ideas; commentators; refutations, supports, extrapolations, reinterpretations and...
The Thirteen Books of the Elements (Euclid, Vol. 2--Books III-IX)
The Thirteen Books of the Elements (Euclid, Vol. 2--Books III-IX)

Volume 2 of 3-volume set containing complete English text of all 13 books of the Elements plus critical analysis of each definition, postulate, and proposition. Covers textual and linguistic matters; mathematical analyses of Euclid's ideas; classical, medieval, Renaissance and modern commentators; refutations, supports,...

The Thirteen Books of Euclid's Elements, Books X - XIII
The Thirteen Books of Euclid's Elements, Books X - XIII
Volume 1 of 3-volume set containing complete English text of all 13 books of the Elements plus critical apparatus analyzing each definition, postulate and proposition in great detail. Covers textual and linguistic matters; mathematical analyses of Euclid's ideas; commentators; refutations, supports, extrapolations, reinterpretations...
Transverse Spin Physics (High Energy Spin Physics)
Transverse Spin Physics (High Energy Spin Physics)
...a useful tool for those who want to know about these new phenomena and understand the physics behind them. -- Prof Franco Bradamante, Universita degli Studi di Trieste, Italy

This book deals with the theory and phenomenology of transverse spin effects in high-energy hadronic physics. Contrary to common past
Tsunamis and Hurricanes: A Mathematical Approach
Tsunamis and Hurricanes: A Mathematical Approach
"... This book is useful for researchers working in mathematical modeling  and hydrodynamics." Zentralblatt MATH 11/2007

Tsunamis and hurricanes have had a devastating impact on the population living near the coast during the year 2005. The calculation of the power and intensity of tsunamis and...

Tunable Laser Optics
Tunable Laser Optics
"...a well-organized and well-written book...The reader gains insight and understanding into the selection of components and the trade-offs involved in creating turnable laser optics. I enjoyed the book and commend Francis J. Duarte on another addition to his already impressive resume in optical science" - Optics and Photonics News,...
2600: The Hacker Quarterly, Spring 2003
2600: The Hacker Quarterly, Spring 2003
2600: The Hacker Quarterly, Spring 2003

2600: The Hacker Quarterly is a quarterly American publication that specializes in publishing technical information on a variety of subjects including telephone switching systems, Internet
2600: The Hacker Quarterly, Spring 2005
2600: The Hacker Quarterly, Spring 2005
2600: The Hacker Quarterly, Spring 2005

2600: The Hacker Quarterly is a quarterly American publication that specializes in publishing technical information on a variety of subjects including telephone switching systems, Internet protocols and services, as well
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