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The Complete Idiot's Guide to Grammar and Style, 2nd Edition
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Grammar and Style, 2nd Edition
The jokey, conversational style of the Complete Idiot's Guide series is better suited to some of its many subjects than to others, but for the Guide to Grammar and Style, it works. This book might not be appropriate for professional proofreaders in search of the definitive use of the en dash, but it is a solid, amusing volume for...
Encyclopedia of Information Communication Technology
Encyclopedia of Information Communication Technology
The Encyclopedia of Information Communication Technology (ICT) is a comprehensive resource describing the influence of information communication technology in scientific knowledge construction and spreading, with emphasis on the roles of product technologies, process technologies, and context technologies.

A reference point for studies...

Mixed Martial Arts Unleashed: Mastering the Most Effective Moves for Victory
Mixed Martial Arts Unleashed: Mastering the Most Effective Moves for Victory
The purpose of this book is to teach the sport of mixed martial arts (MMA), which involves boxing, kicking, striking, wrestling, and grappling, to fi ghters, both amateur and professional, and fans who want to get more out of the sport. People who want to add mixed martial arts to their training in a more specifi c art such as karate, aikido,...
Visual Design for the Modern Web
Visual Design for the Modern Web
Just as great artists must understand their tools, great Web designers must understand the technology behind their art. In Visual Design for the Web, author Penny McIntire shows novice Web designers how to use their tools--including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript--in conjunction with the principles of aesthetics and usability to become masters of their...
Linknot: Knot Theory by Computer (Series on Knots and Everything)
Linknot: Knot Theory by Computer (Series on Knots and Everything)
LinKnot Knot Theory by Computer provides a unique view of selected topics in knot theory suitable for students, research mathematicians, and readers with backgrounds in other exact sciences, including chemistry, molecular biology and physics. The book covers basic notions in knot theory, as well as new methods for handling open problems such as...
Advances in Computational Intelligence: Theory And Applications
Advances in Computational Intelligence: Theory And Applications
Computational Intelligence (CI) is a recently emerging area in fundamental and applied research, exploiting a number of advanced information processing technologies that mainly embody neural networks, fuzzy logic and evolutionary computation. With a major concern to exploiting the tolerance for imperfection, uncertainty, and partial truth to...
Biochemistry (2 volume set): The Chemical Reactions of Living Cells, Second Edition
Biochemistry (2 volume set): The Chemical Reactions of Living Cells, Second Edition
An incomparable, up-to-date reference for basic biochemistry, associated chemistry, and underlying biological phenomena.

Biochemistry: The Chemical Reactions of Living Cells is a well-integrated, up-to-date reference for basic biochemistry, associated chemistry, and underlying biological phenomena. Biochemistry is a
Brands That Rock: What Business Leaders Can Learn from the World of Rock and Roll
Brands That Rock: What Business Leaders Can Learn from the World of Rock and Roll
"Reading Brands That Rock is like attending business school, where classes on customer loyalty, consumer behavior, and branding are taught by Mick Jagger, Elton John, Steven Tyler, and Madonna."

–Tommy Hilfiger, Designer

Cadillac and The Rolling Stones. Victoria’s Secret and Madonna. Wal-Mart and...

Thinking in Java (4th Edition)
Thinking in Java (4th Edition)

Thinking in Java has earned raves from programmers worldwide for its extraordinary clarity, careful organization, and small, direct programming examples. From the fundamentals of Java syntax to its most advanced features, Thinking in Java is designed to teach, one simple step at a time.

Nonparametric System Identification
Nonparametric System Identification
Presenting a thorough overview of the theoretical foundations of non-parametric system identification for nonlinear block-oriented systems, this books shows that non-parametric regression can be successfully applied to system identification, and it highlights the achievements in doing so. With emphasis on Hammerstein, Wiener systems, and their...
Light-Emitting Diodes
Light-Emitting Diodes
'Light-Emitting Diodes is an excellent examination of the physics and technology of semiconductor LEDs. The narration is simple and direct, and the book is well referenced for those seeking a deeper understanding of the topic.' Physics Today

Revised and fully up-dated, the second edition of this graduate textbook offers a
Cambridge Self Scoring IQ Test
Cambridge Self Scoring IQ Test
In recent years researchers have learned that the brain, which is devided into left and right hemispheres, has assigned different mental tasks to one side or the other. Highly intelligent people use both their left and right brain in equal balance. Most people, becase of social emphasis, schooling and parental training are left-brain dominant! Thay...
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