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Calculus Workbook For Dummies (Dummies Series)
Calculus Workbook For Dummies (Dummies Series)
From differentiation to integration — solve problems with ease

Got a grasp on the terms and concepts you need to know, but get lost halfway through a problem or, worse yet, not know where to begin? Have no fear! This hands-on guide focuses on helping you solve the many types of calculus problems you encounter in a...

Anger Management For Dummies (Psychology & Self Help)
Anger Management For Dummies (Psychology & Self Help)
If your anger, or that of a loved one, is out of control and threatening your life and livelihood, you need the calm, clear, and understanding help you’ll find in Anger Management For Dummies. This concise and practical guidebook shares specific anger management methods, skills, and exercises that will help you identify the sources...
Chess For Dummies
Chess For Dummies
It was inevitable, thank goodness, that the Dummies series would give us an introductory chess book. The light touch is perfect to offset the sober aura of mystery that surrounds the game in many people's minds. And the extras that reach beyond the well-written move explanations, strategies, and pattern-recognition make the book a real...
Controlling Cholesterol For Dummies (Health & Fitness)
Controlling Cholesterol For Dummies (Health & Fitness)

"the authors...know their stuff...the book is a fairly painless way to learn more about subjects you might rather avoid." -- Chicago Tribune, December 1, 2002

Need to get your cholesterol in check? You’ll find the latest information about cholesterol, including treatments, drug information, and

Essential Neurology
Essential Neurology

A brand new edition of Essential Neurology brings the text fully up-to-date. This book is a core text for medical students and junior doctors, who want a comprehensive yet concise practical guide to clinical neurology. To make the book more readable and digestible, we have introduced colour into the text. This text provides clear explanations of...

Cake Decorating For Dummies (Lifestyles Paperback)
Cake Decorating For Dummies (Lifestyles Paperback)
Create wedding, shower, holiday, and festive kids' cakes

Easy at-home instruction for making and decorating fabulous cakes

Want to make beautiful cakes? This fun, instructive guide gives you simple techniques for creating cakes for all celebrations. You get expert advice in all the basics...

SQL: A Beginner's Guide Third Edition (Osborne Mcgraw Hill)
SQL: A Beginner's Guide Third Edition (Osborne Mcgraw Hill)

Essential Skills--Made Easy!

Written to the SQL:2006 ANSI/ISO standard, this easy-to-follow guide will get you started programming in SQL right away. You will learn how to retrieve, insert, update, and delete database data, and perform management and administrative functions. SQL: A Beginner's Guide, Third...

Object Oriented Programming in Eiffel
Object Oriented Programming in Eiffel
Provides a clear introduction to the Eiffel programming language. Covers the language, logical assertions, and design of object-oriented systems, making it ideal for a new programmer or those unfamiliar with object-oriented programming. Paper. DLC: Object-oriented prog.

The book is an introductory text on Eiffel for the new
CCENT Cisco Certified Entry Networking Technician Study Guide (Exam 640-822) (Study Guide Book & CD)
CCENT Cisco Certified Entry Networking Technician Study Guide (Exam 640-822) (Study Guide Book & CD)
Expert exam prep from leading Cisco authority Todd Lammle

Start your preparation here for Cisco's new CCENT entry-level networking certification, your entry point into Cisco's popular CCNA certification track. This comprehensive study guide from leading Cisco authority Todd Lammle thoroughly prepares you for the...

Ultra-Low Energy Wireless Sensor Networks in Practice: Theory, Realization and Deployment
Ultra-Low Energy Wireless Sensor Networks in Practice: Theory, Realization and Deployment

Finally a book on Wireless Sensor Networks that covers real world applications and contains practical advice!

Kuorilehto et al. have written the first  practical guide to wireless sensor networks. The authors draw on their experience in the development and field-testing of autonomous wireless sensor...

Information Flow and Knowledge Sharing, Volume 2 (Capturing Intelligence)
Information Flow and Knowledge Sharing, Volume 2 (Capturing Intelligence)
Our goal in this book is to present our conceptualization of information and of knowledge, and to clarify the distinctions between these two concepts. Indeed, they are more than concepts. These two words convey a plurality of meanings and have a deep character that goes beyond pure conceptualizations. By emphasizing their distinctions, we do not...
Fixed-Mobile Wireless Networks Convergence: Technologies, Solutions, Services
Fixed-Mobile Wireless Networks Convergence: Technologies, Solutions, Services
This practical book is for anyone who needs to understand the solutions that allow multimedia communications between mobile networks and fixed wireless communications. It presents the fundamentals of individual fixed and mobile wireless technologies in terms of architectures, standards, management capabilities and quality of service issues, is...
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