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Quantum Cosmology and Baby Universes
Quantum Cosmology and Baby Universes
Quantum gravity is notoriously a subject where problems vastly outnumber results. This is no surprise at short distances, on the order of the Planck length, where most of us expect quantum fluctuations in the metric to cause space-time itself to lose its meaning and gravity to be subsumed (along with the other so-called fundamental interactions)...
Quantum Gravitation: The Feynman Path Integral Approach
Quantum Gravitation: The Feynman Path Integral Approach
The book covers the theory of Quantum Gravitation from the point of view of Feynman path integrals. These provide a manifestly covariant approach in which fundamental quantum aspects of the theory such as radiative corrections and the renormalization group can be systematically and consistently addressed. The path integral method is suitable for...
Selected Readings on Telecommunication and Networking (Premier Reference Source)
Selected Readings on Telecommunication and Networking (Premier Reference Source)
Education and research in the field of telecommunications and networking can prove problematic without the proper resources and tools on the most relevant issues, trends, and advancements.

Selected Readings on Telecommunications and Networking supplements course instruction and student research with quality chapters focused...

Silicon Photonics: An Introduction
Silicon Photonics: An Introduction
The observation by Gordon Moore in 1965 (now universally referred to as Moore’s law) that the number of transistors on an integrated circuit would double every couple of years has become a beacon that continues to drive the electronics industry. Integrated circuits have grown exponentially from the 30-transistor devices of 1965 to...
Teach Yourself VISUALLY Photoshop Elements 7
Teach Yourself VISUALLY Photoshop Elements 7
This is the Photoshop Elements guide made just for visual learners. Open it up and you'll find clear, step-by-step screen shots that show you how to tackle more than 150 Photoshop Elements tasks. Each task-based spread covers a single technique, showing you how to import images from a digital camera, create a catalog or smart album, use the...
The Focal Easy Guide to Final Cut Pro 6
The Focal Easy Guide to Final Cut Pro 6
"This book will help you learn how to use Final Cut Pro 5 quickly and confidently." - Stills Audio Motion

"In such a relatively short book as compared to the 800 page tomes I usually find, there is not much that Rick Young does not cover in order to get the new user up and running as soon and as painlessly as
The Physics of the Standard Model and Beyond
The Physics of the Standard Model and Beyond
... a very recommendable textbook which graduate schools would do well to suggest to their students. -- Contemporary Physics

This book provides a unified description of elementary particle interactions and the underlying theories, namely the Standard Model and beyond. The authors have aimed at a concise presentation
The Power PC Compiler Writer's Guide
The Power PC Compiler Writer's Guide
This book describes, mainly by coding examples, the code patterns that perform well on PowerPC processors. The book will be particularly helpful to compiler developers and application-code specialists who are already familiar with optimizing compiler technology and are looking for ways to exploit the PowerPC architecture. It will also be helpful to...
The Man Who Loved Only Numbers
The Man Who Loved Only Numbers

An affectionate if impressionistic portrayal of one of the century's greatest and strangest mathematicians. Though little known among nonmathematicians, Erdos, who died in 1996 at age 83, was a legend among his colleagues. According to Hoffman (Archimedes' Revenge, 1988), the Hungarian was so devoted to mathematics that he went without...

Txtng: The Gr8 Db8
Txtng: The Gr8 Db8
He combines an extraordinary knowledge of linguistics with a gift for popularizing. TLS. A highly consumable work of pop linguistics. Los Angeles Times Excellent. Crystal presents a compelling argument in favour of texting as a force for linguistic ability. Melissa Katsoulis, The Times

"Reports of the demise of the
Video Over IP, Second Edition: IPTV, Internet Video, H.264, P2P, Web TV, and Streaming: A Complete Guide to Understanding the Technology
Video Over IP, Second Edition: IPTV, Internet Video, H.264, P2P, Web TV, and Streaming: A Complete Guide to Understanding the Technology
"I find this book among the better ones, for its systematic approach and clarity of the text...The "Video over IP" book is highly recommended for all practising broadcast engineers."- EBU Techincal Review

?...here is a guide that gives you everything you need to know to find the best solution for your application.? ?
Viruses and Nanotechnology (Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology)
Viruses and Nanotechnology (Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology)
Viral nanoparticles (VNPs) serve as excellent nanobuilding blocks for materials design and fabrication. The main advantages are their nanometer-range size, the propensity to self-assemble into monodisperse nanoparticles of discrete shape and size, the high degree of symmetry and polyvalency, the relative ease of producing large quantities, the...
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