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High Performance Multimedia:A Reader on the Technological, Cultural and Economic Dynamics of Multimedia
High Performance Multimedia:A Reader on the Technological, Cultural and Economic Dynamics of Multimedia
The focus of High Performance Multimedia is on the ever expanding European e-content industry. Production, aggregation and distribution of that content are the starting points to any future development towards a flourishing industry sector of the third millennium. Nevertheless, in addition to the diffusion of knowledge throughout the industry,...
Algorithms Sequential & Parallel: A Unified Approach (Electrical and Computer Engineering Series)
Algorithms Sequential & Parallel: A Unified Approach (Electrical and Computer Engineering Series)
A major thrust of computer science is the design, analysis, implementation, and scientific evaluation of algorithms to solve critical problems. In addition, new challenges are being offered to computer scientists in the field of computational science and engineering, which includes challenging problems in computational biology, computational fluid...
Assessing the Accuracy of Remotely Sensed Data: Principles and Practices, Second Edition (Mapping Science)
Assessing the Accuracy of Remotely Sensed Data: Principles and Practices, Second Edition (Mapping Science)
The field of assessing the accuracy of maps derived from remotely sensed data has continued to develop and mature since the first edition of this book was published in 1999. The original eight chapters have been expanded to eleven. Of most significance is a new chapter that covers positional accuracy. The accuracy of any spatial data set is a...
Collective Intelligence in Action
Collective Intelligence in Action
There's a great deal of wisdom in a crowd, but how do you listen to a thousand people talking at once? Identifying the wants, needs, and knowledge of internet users can be like listening to a mob.

In the Web 2.0 era, leveraging the collective power of user contributions, interactions, and feedback is the key to market dominance. A new...

Modeling, Identification and Control of Robots (Kogan Page Science Paper Edition)
Modeling, Identification and Control of Robots (Kogan Page Science Paper Edition)
'..provides necessary tools to deal with various problems that can be encountered in the design, control synthesis and exploitation of robotic manipulators. It can also be recommended to students as a texbook.'
-European Mathematical Society

Written by two of Europe's leading robotics experts, this book provides the
Geocomputation and Urban Planning (Studies in Computational Intelligence)
Geocomputation and Urban Planning (Studies in Computational Intelligence)
Sixteen years ago, Franklin estimated that about 80% of data contain geo-referenced information. To date, the availability of geographic data and information is growing, together with the capacity of users to operate with IT tools and instruments. Spatial data infrastructures are growing and allow a wide number of users to rely on them. This growth...
Intelligent Scene Modelling Information Systems (Studies in Computational Intelligence)
Intelligent Scene Modelling Information Systems (Studies in Computational Intelligence)
Scene modeling is a very important part in Computer Graphics because it all ows creating more or less complex models to be rendered, coming from the real world or from the designer’s imagination. However, scene modeling is a very difficult task, asthere is a need of more and more complex scenes and traditional geometric modelers are not well...
Understanding the Local Media
Understanding the Local Media
How will local media deal with the challenge of the Internet? How important is regional news to the nations of the UK? What does the future hold for newspapers, regional television and local radio news? Most adults in the UK read a local newspaper; regional news bulletins are among the most-watched on television; and local radio has a loyal...
Ultra Wideband: Circuits, Transceivers and Systems (Series on Integrated Circuits and Systems)
Ultra Wideband: Circuits, Transceivers and Systems (Series on Integrated Circuits and Systems)
Ultra Wideband – Circuits, Transceivers and Systems is a compilation of chapters on various aspects of Ultra Wideband. The topics covered include: An overview of circuit techniques for broadband applications which provides a comparative analysis of various broadband implementations for different parts of the transceiver such as amplifiers,...
The Mafia Encyclopedia
The Mafia Encyclopedia

Organized crime is the greatest criminal phenomenon of our time. From Al Capone, who boldly claimed his bootlegging activities were a public service, to John Gotti, the "Teflon don" who died in prison, these criminals have garnered headlines and captured the public imagination with their flamboyant lifestyles and colorful attitudes....

Head First Ajax
Head First Ajax
Ajax is no longer an experimental approach to website development, but the key to building browser-based applications that form the cornerstone of Web 2.0. Head First Ajax gives you an up-to-date perspective that lets you see exactly what you can do -- and has been done -- with Ajax. With it, you get a highly practical, in-depth, and...
Teach Yourself VISUALLY MacBook Air (Tech)
Teach Yourself VISUALLY MacBook Air (Tech)
If you’re a visual learner who prefers instructions that show you how to do something, then this book is for you. Its clear, step-by-step screen shots show you how to tackle more than 160 tasks with your MacBook Air. You'll learn to work with the multitouch trackpad; use the Dock, Exposé, and Spaces; get online via AirPort or...
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