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Foundations of Computer Science: C Edition (Principles of Computer Science Series)
Foundations of Computer Science: C Edition (Principles of Computer Science Series)
Aho and Ullman have created a C version of their groundbreaking text. As in that text, this book combines the theoretical foundations of computing with essential discrete mathematics. It follows the same organizations as its predecessor, with all examples and exercises in C.

This book was motivated by the desire we and others have had to
SAS 9.1.3 Language Reference: Dictionary, 3-Volume Set
SAS 9.1.3 Language Reference: Dictionary, 3-Volume Set
New and enhanced features in Base SAS save you time, effort, and system resources by providing faster processing and easier data access and management, more robust analysis, and improved data presentation.
  •  By using new SAS system options that enable threading and the use of multiple CPUs, the following SAS procedures take...
Software Architecture (Advanced Topics in Science and Technology in China)
Software Architecture (Advanced Topics in Science and Technology in China)
Part of the new series, Advanced Topics in Science and Technology in China, this book aims to introduce the theoretical foundations, various sub-fields, current research, and practical methods of software architecture. Readers can acquire basic knowledge of software architecture, including why software architecture is necessary, how we can describe...
Software Development Handbook
Software Development Handbook
This Second Edition of the Software Development Handbook has been extensively revised and updated to incorporate new developments, and to improve and clarify the presentation.

This handbook is not intended as a complete course in software development for microcomputers. However, witb appropriate additional material and combined with
The System Designer's Guide to VHDL-AMS (Systems on Silicon)
The System Designer's Guide to VHDL-AMS (Systems on Silicon)
The demand is exploding for complete, integrated systems that sense, process, manipulate, and control complex entities such as sound, images, text, motion, and environmental conditions. These systems, from hand-held devices to automotive sub-systems to aerospace vehicles, employ electronics to manage and adapt to a world that is, predominantly,...
TCP/IP Architecture, Design and Implementation in Linux (Practitioners)
TCP/IP Architecture, Design and Implementation in Linux (Practitioners)
This book provides thorough knowledge of Linux TCP/IP stack and kernel framework for its network stack, including complete knowledge of design and implementation. Starting with simple client-server socket programs and progressing to complex design and implementation of TCP/IP protocol in linux, this book provides different aspects of socket...
Teach Yourself VISUALLY Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 2 (Teach Yourself VISUALLY (Tech))
Teach Yourself VISUALLY Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 2 (Teach Yourself VISUALLY (Tech))

Are you a visual learner? Do you prefer instructions that show you how to do something — and skip the long-winded explanations? If so, then this book is for you. Open it up and you'll find clear, step-by-step screen shots thatshow you how to tackle more than 140 Adobe PhotoshopLightroom 2 tasks. Each task-based spread covers a single...

Delivering Business Intelligence with Microsoft SQL Server(TM) 2/E 2008
Delivering Business Intelligence with Microsoft SQL Server(TM) 2/E 2008
Life is filled with decisions. Should I have the burger and fries or the salad for lunch? Should I get my significant other that new watch they’ve had their eye on, or should I buy them a new vacuum cleaner? Do I invest my holiday bonus or head for the casino? Should I buy this book or go browse the comics section? (Here is your first bit of...
An Introduction to the Theory of Formal Languages and Automata
An Introduction to the Theory of Formal Languages and Automata
In the latter half of the 1950’s, Noam Chomsky began to develop mathematical models for the description of natural languages. Two disciplines originated in his work and have grown to maturity. The first of these is the theory of formal grammars, a branch of mathematics which has proven to be of great interest to information and computer...
A Complete Introduction to Modern NMR Spectroscopy
A Complete Introduction to Modern NMR Spectroscopy
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy is the study of molecular structure. It is a growing technique particularly in biochemistry and medicinal chemistry, that provides detailed information on molecular structure and dynamics that other methods cannot. Assuming only a first-year chemistry course for background, this practical guide...
Cyberculture and New Media.
Cyberculture and New Media.
In the extension of digital media from optional means to central site of activity, the domains of language, art, learning, play, film, and politics have been subject to radical reconfigurations as mediating structures. This book examines how this changed relationship has in each case shaped a new form of discourse between self and culture and...
C Programming for Microcontrollers Featuring ATMEL's AVR Butterfly and the free WinAVR Compiler
C Programming for Microcontrollers Featuring ATMEL's AVR Butterfly and the free WinAVR Compiler
Do you want a low cost way to learn C programming for microcontrollers? This book shows you how to use Atmel’s $19.99 AVR Butterfly board and the FREE WinAVR C compiler to make a very inexpensive system for using C to develop microcontroller projects.

Students will find the thorough coverage of C explained in the context of...

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