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Ship Design for Efficiency and Economy, Second Edition
Ship Design for Efficiency and Economy, Second Edition
This book gives advice to students and naval architects on how to design ships - in particular with regard to hull design. The previous edition of this book was published in 1987. Since then, there have been numerous important developments in this area and the new additions to this book reflect these changes. Chapter 3 has been completely rewritten...
Signals and Images: Contributions and Contradictions about High Dilution Research
Signals and Images: Contributions and Contradictions about High Dilution Research
The GIRI Groupe International de Recherche sur l´Infinitésimal was created in 1986 with the aim to gather researchers toward the high dilution questions, such as hormesis, isopathy, homeopathy and the phenomenological and conceptual differences among them. This is the only international scientific society organised...
Silicon Carbide Microel Ectromechanical Systems for Harsh Environments
Silicon Carbide Microel Ectromechanical Systems for Harsh Environments
This unique book describes the science and technology of silicon carbide (SiC) microelectromechanical systems (MEMS), from the creation of SiC material to the formation of final system, through various expert contributions by several leading key figures in the field. The book contains high-quality up-to-date scientific information concerning SiC...
Ship-shaped Offshore Installations: Design, Building, and Operation
Ship-shaped Offshore Installations: Design, Building, and Operation
Ship-shaped offshore units are some of the more economical systems for the development of offshore oil and gas, and are often preferred in marginal fields. These systems are especially attractive to develop oil and gas fields in deep and ultra-deep water areas and remote locations away from existing pipeline infrastructures. Recently, the...
Ship Stability for Masters and Mates, Fifth Edition
Ship Stability for Masters and Mates, Fifth Edition
Understanding ship stability, the ability of a ship to return to an initial state after disturbing forces and moments, is critical for all maritime students and professionals studying for a deck or engineering certificate of competency, or seeking promotion to a higher rank within the merchant marine or Navy.

Teach Yourself Electricity and Electronics, Fourth Edition
Teach Yourself Electricity and Electronics, Fourth Edition
Quickly and easily learn the hows and whys behind basic electricity, electronics, and communications –- at your own pace, in your own home

Teach Yourself Electricity and Electronics offers easy-to-follow lessons in electricity and electronics fundamentals and applications from a master teacher, with minimal...

Guide to Energy Management
Guide to Energy Management
Manager's guide to the most important areas of energy cost cutting. Basic objectives of energy management are insightfully. Examines the most effective techniques and tools for achieving results. DLC: Energy conservation

Three leading experts guide you every step of the way in planning and implementing energy management strategies...

Management of Ageing Processes in Graphite Reactor Cores (Special Publication)
Management of Ageing Processes in Graphite Reactor Cores (Special Publication)
Many nuclear reactors and components are coming to the end of their 'useful' life and strategies for the effective management of these decommissioned parts are paramount. Management of Ageing Processes in Graphite Reactor Cores discusses in detail both the scientific challenges and the issues involved in this subject. Covering fundamentals of...
Tissue Engineering Using Ceramics and Polymers
Tissue Engineering Using Ceramics and Polymers
Drawing a distinguished editors and international team of contributors, this book reviews the latest research and advances and how they can be used to develop treatments for disease states. An innovative and up-to-date reference, it begins with a discussion of general issues and then moves on to review characterization. Building on this foundation,...
The Magnetocaloric Effect and its Applications (Series in Condensed Matter Physics)
The Magnetocaloric Effect and its Applications (Series in Condensed Matter Physics)
This book is a very comprehensive overview. It is interesting both for the experienced researcher and also for students just entering the field. Theory, experimental techniques, and literature are widely covered.
- Professor Bruck Ekkes

The magnetocaloric effect describes the change in temperature of a magnetic material
Time-Domain Computer Analysis of Nonlinear Hybrid Systems
Time-Domain Computer Analysis of Nonlinear Hybrid Systems
"Easy to read, concise, and complete." -Alfy Riddle, IEEE Microwave Magazine

…Easy to read, concise, and complete.
-Alfy Riddle, IEEE Microwave Magazine

The analysis of nonlinear hybrid electromagnetic systems poses significant challenges that essentially demand reliable numerical methods. In recent
Timber Designer's Manual
Timber Designer's Manual

'the complete design manual ... a 'must' - Timber Trades Journal

'the manual continues its established position as an authoritative reference and in providing numerous time saving design aids.' - Institute of Wood Science Journal

This major structural engineering

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