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Microemulsions: Properties and Applications (Surfactant Science)
Microemulsions: Properties and Applications (Surfactant Science)
The effective use of microemulsions has increased dramatically during the past few decades as major industrial applications have increased in a variety of fields. This volume provides a complete and systematic assessment of all topics affecting microemulsion performance, discussing fundamental characteristics, theories, and applications of these...
Microdynamics Simulation (Lecture Notes in Earth Sciences)
Microdynamics Simulation (Lecture Notes in Earth Sciences)
This volume deals with the simulation of metamorphic and tectonic microstrucutres in rocks with a special emphasis on the modeling package 'Elle'. The first part provides a review of the problems and opportunities in the modeling of microstructures, followed by an introduction to various numerical modelling techniques. In the second part examples...
MicroComputed Tomography: Methodology and Applications
MicroComputed Tomography: Methodology and Applications
Due to the availability of commercial laboratory systems and the emergence of user facilities at synchrotron radiation sources, studies of microcomputed tomography or microCT have increased exponentially.

MicroComputed Technology provides a complete introduction to the technology, describing how to use it...

Sustainable Energy Production and Consumption: Benefits, Strategies and Environmental Costing
Sustainable Energy Production and Consumption: Benefits, Strategies and Environmental Costing
This volume is a result of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop that took place in Naples, Italy on July 4 through 7 of 2007. The workshop brought together the top researchers in energy technology, energy analysis, energy economics, and environmental economics from NATO countries, partner countries and Mediterranean Action countries. The book, like...
System-level Test and Validation of Hardware/Software Systems (Springer Series in Advanced Microelectronics)
System-level Test and Validation of Hardware/Software Systems (Springer Series in Advanced Microelectronics)
New manufacturing technologies have made possible the integration of entire systems on a single chip. This new design paradigm, termed system-on-chip (SOC), together with its associated manufacturing problems, represents a real challenge for designers.

SOC is also reshaping approaches to test and validation activities. These are beginning to...

Partial Differential Equations: Modelling and Numerical Simulation (Computational Methods in Applied Sciences)
Partial Differential Equations: Modelling and Numerical Simulation (Computational Methods in Applied Sciences)
This book is dedicated to Olivier Pironneau.

For more than 250 years partial differential equations have been clearly the most important tool available to mankind in order to understand a large variety of phenomena, natural at first and then those originating from human activity and technological development. Mechanics, physics and their...

The Vehicle Routing Problem: Latest Advances and New Challenges (Operations Research/Computer Science Interfaces Series)
The Vehicle Routing Problem: Latest Advances and New Challenges (Operations Research/Computer Science Interfaces Series)
The Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) has been an especially active and fertile area of research. Over the past five to seven years, there have been numerous technological advances and exciting challenges that are of considerable interest to students, teachers, and researchers. The Vehicle Routing Problem: Latest Advances and New...
Jets From Young Stars III: Numerical MHD and Instabilities (Lecture Notes in Physics) (Bk. 3)
Jets From Young Stars III: Numerical MHD and Instabilities (Lecture Notes in Physics) (Bk. 3)
This volume contains the lecture notes of the Third JETSET School on Jets from Young Stars focussing on Numerical MHD and Instabilities. The introductory lectures presented here cover the basic concepts of the numerical methods for the integration of hydrodynamic and magnetohydrodynamic equations and of the applications of these methods to the...
Joint Source-Channel Coding of Discrete-Time Signals with Continuous Amplitudes (Communications and Signal Processing)
Joint Source-Channel Coding of Discrete-Time Signals with Continuous Amplitudes (Communications and Signal Processing)
This book provides the first comprehensive and easy-to-read discussion of joint source-channel encoding and decoding for source signals with continuous amplitudes. It is a state-of-the-art presentation of this exciting, thriving field of research, making pioneering contributions to the new concept of source-adaptive modulation. The book starts with...
Organic Pollutants: An Ecotoxicological Perspective, Second Edition
Organic Pollutants: An Ecotoxicological Perspective, Second Edition
A companion to he much praised Principles of Ecotoxicology the book covers organic pollutants in greater depth and detail than has been covered in a textbook before. The first part of the book covers issues such as chemical warfare; metabolism of pollutants in animals and plants; environmental fate; and effects within ecosystems. This is followed...
Organic Chemistry: An Intermediate Text
Organic Chemistry: An Intermediate Text

A foundation for success in advanced organic chemistry courses–and careers

Graduate students taking advanced organic chemistry courses often need a refresher on the discipline before they can move on to more specialized topics. This is especially true of students whose last formal exposure to organic chemistry was during...

The Facts on File Dictionary of Marine Science (Facts on File Science Library)
The Facts on File Dictionary of Marine Science (Facts on File Science Library)
"Entries are clearly written; this will be an easy book for researchers, students, and teachers to study." - Choice "...useful in a school or public reference library to support students, teachers, or any of the general public who want more complete answers to marine science and history terminology questions than a general dictionary...
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