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High-Powered Investing All-In-One For Dummies (Business & Personal Finance)
High-Powered Investing All-In-One For Dummies (Business & Personal Finance)
Looking for help making smarter, more profitable high-end investment decisions? Why buy ten books that cover each of the major topics you need to understand, when High-Powered Investing All-In-One For Dummies gives you ten expert guide for the price of one?

This hands-on resource arms you with an arsenal of advanced investing...

Understanding Telephone Electronics, Fourth Edition (Newnes)
Understanding Telephone Electronics, Fourth Edition (Newnes)
Covers conventional telephone fundamentals! Explores how telephone systems operate and how digital electronics replace them. "Introduces state-of-the-art speech circuits, dialing, ringing, and central office electronics. Dissects modems and digital transmission techniques. Studies microcomputers and cellular phones. Helps readers increase...
Fundamentals of Air Pollution, Fourth Edition
Fundamentals of Air Pollution, Fourth Edition
A compendium for all involved directly or indirectly in decision making about air pollution control-regulatory or engineering.

Fundamentals of Air Pollution is an important and widely used textbook in the environmental science and engineering community. Written shortly after the passage of the seminal Clean Air Act
The Business and Culture of Digital Games: Gamework and Gameplay
The Business and Culture of Digital Games: Gamework and Gameplay
"Fusing digital technologies and cultural creativity, exploiting global networks of production and distribution with little regulation and embodying the liberal ideas of individual choice and agency, digital games seem to epitomize global post-industrial neo-liberal cultural products. Kerr finds reality a bit more complex. For all their...
How to Do Everything with Your iPhone
How to Do Everything with Your iPhone
Get the most out of your iPhone by learning how to use all of its powerful capabilities. Filled with tips, tricks, and shortcuts, this book shows you how to set up your iPhone, make calls, manage voicemail, and load contacts. But that's just the beginning. You'll also learn how to send and receive email, look up turn-by-turn directions, listen to...
Peer-to-Peer Computing for Mobile Networks: Information Discovery and Dissemination
Peer-to-Peer Computing for Mobile Networks: Information Discovery and Dissemination
Wireless devices are becoming smaller, more user-friendly and more pervasive. Peer-to-Peer Computing for Mobile Networks: Information Discovery and Dissemination discusses research results on data dissemination in mobile networks and peer-to-peer systems for mobile devices.

An important research challenge within this book is to...

CompTIA Security+ All-in-One Exam Guide, Second Edition
CompTIA Security+ All-in-One Exam Guide, Second Edition

A CompTIA Security+ Exam Guide and An On-the-Job Reference--All-in-One

Get complete coverage of all the material included on the CompTIA Security+ exam inside this fully up-to-date, comprehensive resource. Written by network security experts, this authoritative exam guide features learning objectives at the beginning of...

CEA-CompTIA DHTI+ Digital Home Technology Integrator All-In-One Exam Guide, Second Edition
CEA-CompTIA DHTI+ Digital Home Technology Integrator All-In-One Exam Guide, Second Edition
A CEA-CompTIA DHTI+ Exam Guide and Desktop Reference--All in One!.

Get complete coverage of all the material included on the CEA-CompTIA DHTI+ Digital Home Technology Integrator exam inside this comprehensive resource. Written by industry experts, this definitive exam guide features learning objectives at the beginning of each...

C# 3.0: The Complete Reference 3/E
C# 3.0: The Complete Reference 3/E
We programmers are a demanding bunch, always looking for ways to improve the performance, efficiency, and portability of our programs. We also demand much from the tools we use, especially when it comes to programming languages.

There are many programming languages, but only a few are great. A great programming language must be powerful,
Beginning Programming All-In-One Desk Reference For Dummies (Computers)
Beginning Programming All-In-One Desk Reference For Dummies (Computers)

So you want to be a programmer? Or maybe you just want to be able to make your computer do what YOU want for a change? Maybe you enjoy the challenge of identifying a problem and solving it. If programming intrigues you for whatever reason, Beginning Programming All-In-One Desk Reference For Dummies is like having a starter...

Search Engine Optimization For Dummies (Computer/Tech)
Search Engine Optimization For Dummies (Computer/Tech)
"…cuts through the nonsense, providing a clear, simple and concise explanation of how websites reach top positions in search engines ..." (PC Advisor, September 2006) 

Why do some sites pop to the top when you search? How do you make yours one of them? You create sites that make search
Open Source E-mail Security (Kaleidoscope)
Open Source E-mail Security (Kaleidoscope)
In this book you'll learn the technology underlying secure e-mail systems, from the protocols involved to the open source software packages used to implement e-mail security. This book explains the secure MIME (S/MIME) protocol and how it is used to protect data transmitted across the Internet. It also explains the concepts crucial to stopping...
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