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Hitchhiker's Guide to SQL Server 2000 Reporting Services (Microsoft Windows Server System)
Hitchhiker's Guide to SQL Server 2000 Reporting Services (Microsoft Windows Server System)
QL Server 2000 Reporting Services streamlines the process of extricating meaningful reports from your data sources. Hitchhiker's Guide to SQL Server 2000 Reporting Services picks up where the Microsoft documentation leaves off, providing report developers, database administrators,...
Jakarta Commons Cookbook
Jakarta Commons Cookbook
This collection provides expert tips for using the utilities of the Java-based Jakarta Commons open source project. You don't have to be an expert, the book's solution-based format contains code examples for a wide variety of web, XML, network, testing, and application projects. If you want to learn how to use Jakarta Commons utilities to...
Mastering Regular Expressions, Second Edition
Mastering Regular Expressions, Second Edition

This book is about a powerful tool called "regular expressions". It teaches you how to use regular expressions to solve problems and get the most out of tools and languages that provide them. Most documentation that mentions regular expressions doesn't even begin to hint at their power, but this book is about ...

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 : Changing the Paradigm (SQL Server 2005 Public Beta Edition)
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 : Changing the Paradigm (SQL Server 2005 Public Beta Edition)

Microsoft SQL Server 2005: Changing the Paradigm (SQL Server 2005 Public Beta Edition) will prepare database administrators for upcoming changes in SQL Server 2005. Obtain the skills necessary to run SQL Server 2005 from the experts at Microsoft Gold Partner. Get a head-start to understanding the...

Learning Exchange Server 2003
Learning Exchange Server 2003

Real-world Exchange 2003 deployment and management for working administrators

This is your start-to-finish guide to getting Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 into production, then maximizing its reliability, performance, and business value. Bill Boswell writes for...

Ground-Up Java
Ground-Up Java

This is the first effective Java book for true beginners. Sure, books before now focused on basic concepts and key techniques, and some even provided working examples on CD. Still, they lacked the power to transform someone with no programming experience into someone who sees, who really “gets it.”

Working with Ground-Up...

eXtreme .NET : Introducing eXtreme Programming Techniques to .NET Developers
eXtreme .NET : Introducing eXtreme Programming Techniques to .NET Developers

eXtreme .NET shows developers and team leaders how to incorporate eXtreme programming (XP) practices with .NET-connected technologies to create high quality, low-cost code that will build better software. This practical, realistic guidebook systematically covers...

The Concise Guide to DNS and BIND
The Concise Guide to DNS and BIND
The Concise Guide to DNS and BIND provides the technical depth and expert-level information needed to understand and administer DNS and BIND. Domain Name System (DNS) is a distributed Internet directory service. It is used mainly to translate between domain names and IP addresses, and to control Internet email...
Eclipse Modeling Framework (The Eclipse Series)
Eclipse Modeling Framework (The Eclipse Series)

The Eclipse Modeling Framework unifies Java(TM), XML, and UML-enabling developers to rapidly construct robust applications based on surprisingly simple models. In this book, leading EMF implementers illuminate every facet of using EMF for both modeling and code generation. Discover how...

Rapid J2EE Development: An Adaptive Foundation for Enterprise Applications
Rapid J2EE Development: An Adaptive Foundation for Enterprise Applications
Learn to accelerate J2EE development, from design through testing and beyond. Covers agile development, model-driven architecture, code generation, aspect-oriented programming, test-driven development, and much more. An essential resource for every J2EE developer, project leader, and manager. J2EE is today's premier platform for...
The Hidden Power of Flash Components
The Hidden Power of Flash Components

You don't have to be a programmer to achieve amazing effects with the hundreds of Flash components available from Macromedia and various third parties. Step by step, The Hidden Power of Flash Components shows you how.

For those of you with just a little programming experience, this book also demonstrates how to build your own...

Strategies That Win Sales : Best Practices of the World's Leading Organizations
Strategies That Win Sales : Best Practices of the World's Leading Organizations

Today's complex selling environment has altered the definition of what it takes to be truly successful. Companies need to do more, more, more: grow more revenue, add more customers, and utilize more marketing channels. Sales performance consultants Mark Marone and Seleste Lunsford, and the team at AchieveGlobal, identified 17...

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