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Visual FoxPro to Visual Basic .NET
Visual FoxPro to Visual Basic .NET

Starting with simple examples, you'll see how the multi-user, local area network applications that Visual FoxPro developers are used to building are constructed in Visual Basic .NET. You'll learn how to use Crystal Reports to build reports like the ones you build in FoxPro. You'll discover how to use DataAdapters and datasets...

Learning GNU Emacs, Third Edition
Learning GNU Emacs, Third Edition

The third edition of Learning GNU Emacs describes Emacs 21.3 from the ground up, including new user interface features such as an icon-based toolbar and an interactive interface to Emacs customization. A new chapter details how to install and run Emacs on Mac OS X, Windows, and Linux, including tips for using...

Real World Camera Raw with Adobe Photoshop CS2 (Real World)
Real World Camera Raw with Adobe Photoshop CS2 (Real World)
Call it a control thing, but until recentlyor, more specifically, until the availability of digital raw camera formatsyou simply weren't ready to make the move to digital photography. Raw formats, however, changed all of that by allowing you to retrieve images before any in-camera processing has been performed. Photoshop's Adobe Camera Raw plug-in...
Oracle to DB2 Udb Conversion Guide (IBM Redbooks)
Oracle to DB2 Udb Conversion Guide (IBM Redbooks)

DB2 Universal Database (DB2 UDB) has long been known for its technology leadership. This IBM Redbook is an informative guide that describes how to migrate the database system from Oracle to DB2 UDB Version 8.1 on AIX, Linux, and the Microsoft Windows platform. This guide presents the best practices in migration strategy and planning, migration...

Amazon Hacks : 100 Industrial-Strength Tips & Tools
Amazon Hacks : 100 Industrial-Strength Tips & Tools

When Amazon.com opened its virtual doors on July 16, 1995, it was just one among several online booksellers. As Amazon embraced the technology to categorize and display millions of books in one space, people embraced the ability to search for and purchase books in a new way. The experience of building a successful business based...

MySQL Cookbook
MySQL Cookbook

The MySQL database management system has become quite popular in recent years. This has been true especially in the Linux and open source communities, but MySQL's presence in the commercial sector now is increasing as well. It is well liked for several reasons: MySQL is fast, and it's easy to set up, use, and administrate. MySQL...

Concurrent and Real-Time Programming in Java
Concurrent and Real-Time Programming in Java
Real-time systems have to respond to externally generated input stimuli within a finite and predictable time. Their correctness depends not only on the logical results of the computations, but also on the time at which those results are produced.

When Java emerged as a serious programming language in 1994, it was treated with...

Cisco Catalyst QoS: Quality of Service in Campus Networks
Cisco Catalyst QoS: Quality of Service in Campus Networks

Quality of service (QoS) is the set of techniques designed to manage network resources. QoS refers to the capability of a network to provide better service to selected network traffic over various LAN and WAN technologies. The primary goal of QoS is to provide flow priority, including dedicated bandwidth, controlled jitter and...

PC Hacks : 100 Industrial-Strength Tips &Tools
PC Hacks : 100 Industrial-Strength Tips &Tools
Covering both Windows and Linux, PC Hacks combines the bestselling Hacks series style with the world's most popular computing hardware. Hacks for enhancing performance and preventing problems with your PC include overclocking CPU and video cards, tweaking RAM timing, selecting the best performing components,...
XML in Theory and Practice
XML in Theory and Practice

XML is a powerful cross-platform mark-up language which has been readily adopted as a standard in many spheres of web and software development. Real benefits include its ease of integration into existing systems, the simplicity of using it in object-oriented environments and its wide applicability. Chris Bates shows how to use XML in modern...

The Web Programmer's Desk Reference
The Web Programmer's Desk Reference

One of the challenges of web programming is remembering what you can do with what, and what works with everything else. Sure, you can create a button, but can you change its color and font to match the style of your site? And are you sure it will look the same on all browsers? With The Web Programmer's Desk Reference, you can find...

HTTP Pocket Reference : Hypertext Transfer Protocol
HTTP Pocket Reference : Hypertext Transfer Protocol

This book describes HTTP, the Hypertext Transfer Protocol. It provides a high level description of how the protocol works, along with reference information on client requests and server responses. Included are dumps of HTTP transactions, as well as tabular data that summarizes most of the standardized parameters used in...

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